Evaluating Effect of Anxiety on Eye Hand Coordination Using Jenga Game in Female Nursing Professionals: An Observational Study

Authors : Dr. Jeba Chitra; Dr. Jorida Fernandes; Jowena Parikh

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/335z1LE

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL440

Abstract : Amongst the general working population, female nurses were observed to have higher levels of anxiety and performed poorly under the influence of anxiety. It is still a dispute as to how it affects perceptual motor performance. Thus, this study evaluated correlation between Eye Hand Coordination and Anxiety in 67 female nursing professionals using Jenga game and Hamilton Anxiety Rating scale (HAMA). A negative correlation was perceived. This study concluded that anxiety affected motor performance. Future scope of this study would involve working on methods to cope with anxiety and improve Eye hand Coordination skills which would help nurses work efficiently.

Keywords : Anxiety; Eye Hand Coordination; Jenga; Nursing Professionals

Amongst the general working population, female nurses were observed to have higher levels of anxiety and performed poorly under the influence of anxiety. It is still a dispute as to how it affects perceptual motor performance. Thus, this study evaluated correlation between Eye Hand Coordination and Anxiety in 67 female nursing professionals using Jenga game and Hamilton Anxiety Rating scale (HAMA). A negative correlation was perceived. This study concluded that anxiety affected motor performance. Future scope of this study would involve working on methods to cope with anxiety and improve Eye hand Coordination skills which would help nurses work efficiently.

Keywords : Anxiety; Eye Hand Coordination; Jenga; Nursing Professionals

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