Authors :
Debopam Ghosh
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The research study involves estimation of an
input pair of vectors
1 1 ( , ) m n
m n
x R y R
corresponding to an embedded space vector
b R
where “
s ” is the embedding dimension corresponding to
the input dimension pair
( , ) m n .The estimation of the
vector pair involves solving a euclidean norm
minimization problem, constrained over a convex hull
generated by a finite subset of solutions of an associated
linear system of equations. The research initiative
presents the mathematical formulation of the estimation
framework and illustrates the presented methodology
through appropriately chosen numerical case study
Keywords :
Spacer Matrix Components, Embedding Dimension, Embedding Matrices, Constrained Optimization, Convex Hull, Least Squares Estimation
References :
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The research study involves estimation of an
input pair of vectors
1 1 ( , ) m n
m n
x R y R
corresponding to an embedded space vector
b R
where “
s ” is the embedding dimension corresponding to
the input dimension pair
( , ) m n .The estimation of the
vector pair involves solving a euclidean norm
minimization problem, constrained over a convex hull
generated by a finite subset of solutions of an associated
linear system of equations. The research initiative
presents the mathematical formulation of the estimation
framework and illustrates the presented methodology
through appropriately chosen numerical case study
Keywords :
Spacer Matrix Components, Embedding Dimension, Embedding Matrices, Constrained Optimization, Convex Hull, Least Squares Estimation