Environmental Degradation on Economic Growth in Nigeria

Authors : Oyinkepreye Peter Egbejule

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 10 - October

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/gu88

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3DazETl

Abstract : The study investigates the association between environmental degradation on economic growth in Nigeria. The main motivation is to empirically determine if environmental degradation hampers economic growth. Annual time series data from 1980-2016 were used. The variables are carbon oxide emission, total green-house effect and gross domestic product. We employed Unit Root test for stationarity, Co-integration test for long run determination and Error Correction Mechanism test to determine the speed of adjustment from the short to its long run. The results show that variables are integrated of order 1(1) and long run link among the variables was established. The ECM value of -0.213154 or 21per cent is able to correct, adjust and tie the short run dynamics to the long run equilibrium with a speed of six weeks and eight days. The post test results reveal that the model is entirely and structurally stable over time of study. The study concludes that environmental degradation cannot improve the level of economic growth in Nigeria and the study therefore recommends control over the environment in Nigeria.

Keywords : Environment, degradation, carbon dioxide, economic growth, Nigeria.

The study investigates the association between environmental degradation on economic growth in Nigeria. The main motivation is to empirically determine if environmental degradation hampers economic growth. Annual time series data from 1980-2016 were used. The variables are carbon oxide emission, total green-house effect and gross domestic product. We employed Unit Root test for stationarity, Co-integration test for long run determination and Error Correction Mechanism test to determine the speed of adjustment from the short to its long run. The results show that variables are integrated of order 1(1) and long run link among the variables was established. The ECM value of -0.213154 or 21per cent is able to correct, adjust and tie the short run dynamics to the long run equilibrium with a speed of six weeks and eight days. The post test results reveal that the model is entirely and structurally stable over time of study. The study concludes that environmental degradation cannot improve the level of economic growth in Nigeria and the study therefore recommends control over the environment in Nigeria.

Keywords : Environment, degradation, carbon dioxide, economic growth, Nigeria.

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