Entrepreneurial Education: A Panacea to Girl-Child Sustainability in Zamfara State

Authors : Mamuda Buhari, Bello Mukhtar, Dr. Amos Ola Oyeyiola

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2viHtrS

Abstract : The study was a survey on entrepreneurial education: a panacea to girl-child sustainability in Zamfara state, concept of entrepreneurship was discusses in the study, development and sustainable development, factors affecting girl-child education were also discussed. The study used 287 respondents as population of the study, descriptive survey was employed in study, and percentage frequency was used in analyzing the data collected from respondents, questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection in the study. In conclusion some recommendations were given which include teacher should be empowered with new techniques and materials of teaching, Girl-child education should be co-opted with entrepreneurship education, Parent should be enlighten to send their girlchild to school.

Keywords : Self Reliance, Female Students, Frequency, Percentage, Skills.

The study was a survey on entrepreneurial education: a panacea to girl-child sustainability in Zamfara state, concept of entrepreneurship was discusses in the study, development and sustainable development, factors affecting girl-child education were also discussed. The study used 287 respondents as population of the study, descriptive survey was employed in study, and percentage frequency was used in analyzing the data collected from respondents, questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection in the study. In conclusion some recommendations were given which include teacher should be empowered with new techniques and materials of teaching, Girl-child education should be co-opted with entrepreneurship education, Parent should be enlighten to send their girlchild to school.

Keywords : Self Reliance, Female Students, Frequency, Percentage, Skills.

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