Enhancing Employee Performance through Transformational Leadership: A Study

Authors : Dr. Rajesh Kumar Ghai; Aashish Dhiman

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUL025

Abstract : This research investigates the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance, with a specific focus on the mediating roles of job stress reduction and organizational work environment. Transformational leadership, characterized by its ability to enhance employee engagement and clarity, is examined as an independent variable impacting employee performance, the dependent variable. The study aims to achieve the following objective: (1) explore the impact of transformational leadership on organizational work environments, (2) understand the effect of transformational leadership on reducing job stress, and (3) examine the role of transformational leadership in improving employee performance. The research delves into how transformational leadership fosters a positive work environment—by reciprocating performance, establishing role clarity, and increasing employee participation—and mitigates job stress—by alleviating anger and depression. Conducted in the Meerut district of Delhi NCR, the study considered academicians from private higher educational institutes, selected through stratified random sampling (sample size N=151). Utilizing a descriptive research design, data was collected via a structured questionnaire with a high- reliability score (Cronbach's alpha = 0.88) and analyzed using SmartPLS 4.0 (student version) software. Findings reveal that transformational leadership significantly reduces job stress and enhances the organizational work environment, which collectively boosts employee performance. Key performance indicators observed include improved work quality, effective communication, timely completion of tasks, teamwork, reliability, and problem-solving skills. This study underscores the significant role of transformational leadership in cultivating a supportive work environment and reducing job stress to elevate overall employee performance.

Keywords : Transformational Leadership, Employee Performance, Job Stress Reduction, and Organizational Work Environment.

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This research investigates the influence of transformational leadership on employee performance, with a specific focus on the mediating roles of job stress reduction and organizational work environment. Transformational leadership, characterized by its ability to enhance employee engagement and clarity, is examined as an independent variable impacting employee performance, the dependent variable. The study aims to achieve the following objective: (1) explore the impact of transformational leadership on organizational work environments, (2) understand the effect of transformational leadership on reducing job stress, and (3) examine the role of transformational leadership in improving employee performance. The research delves into how transformational leadership fosters a positive work environment—by reciprocating performance, establishing role clarity, and increasing employee participation—and mitigates job stress—by alleviating anger and depression. Conducted in the Meerut district of Delhi NCR, the study considered academicians from private higher educational institutes, selected through stratified random sampling (sample size N=151). Utilizing a descriptive research design, data was collected via a structured questionnaire with a high- reliability score (Cronbach's alpha = 0.88) and analyzed using SmartPLS 4.0 (student version) software. Findings reveal that transformational leadership significantly reduces job stress and enhances the organizational work environment, which collectively boosts employee performance. Key performance indicators observed include improved work quality, effective communication, timely completion of tasks, teamwork, reliability, and problem-solving skills. This study underscores the significant role of transformational leadership in cultivating a supportive work environment and reducing job stress to elevate overall employee performance.

Keywords : Transformational Leadership, Employee Performance, Job Stress Reduction, and Organizational Work Environment.

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