Enhancing Computational Skills of Grade 7 Students Using Indigenous Manipulatives

Authors : Rafael Baraquiel Cenita

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/2uupsn6d

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/3bys6hc6

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14513436

Abstract : This study determined the effects of indigenous manipulatives on the performance of Grade 7 students on the operations of integers at Pili National High School, Bacacay, Albay for School Year 2023 – 2024. Specifically, it answered the following questions: 1. What is the performance in the pre - test of the control and experimental groups along adding integers; subtracting integers; multiplying integers; and dividing integers? 2. What is the performance in the post - test of the control and experimental groups? 3. Is there a significant difference in the performance between the control and experimental groups in the post - test? 4. What are the least mastered skills of Grade 7 students on integers? and 5. What teaching materials may be developed to enhance the computational skills of Grade 7 students on integers? The experimental method was applied in this study since the effect of the materials used on the performance of Grade 7 students on operations on integers was measured. In addition, the researcher employed the pre - post - test design, using two (2) groups, the control, and the experimental groups. These groups were tested before and after the experimentation. Test results were utilized as a basis for providing judgment on the effect of the interventions provided. The main tool used by the researcher to gather the data was a teacher - made pre - and post - test. The skills tested were adding integers, subtracting integers, multiplying integers, and dividing integers. The test is composed of forty (40) items, twelve (12) items were allocated to adding integers, twelve (12) for subtracting integers, eight (8) for multiplying integers, and eight (8) for dividing integers. Item allocation was based on the weight and number of days utilized for each topic as reflected in the table of specification. The performance of the students in each group was determined by computing the mean score in each skill and the corresponding performance level. The test of difference in the performance of the control and experimental groups in the post - test was, a t - test for independent samples was utilized.

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This study determined the effects of indigenous manipulatives on the performance of Grade 7 students on the operations of integers at Pili National High School, Bacacay, Albay for School Year 2023 – 2024. Specifically, it answered the following questions: 1. What is the performance in the pre - test of the control and experimental groups along adding integers; subtracting integers; multiplying integers; and dividing integers? 2. What is the performance in the post - test of the control and experimental groups? 3. Is there a significant difference in the performance between the control and experimental groups in the post - test? 4. What are the least mastered skills of Grade 7 students on integers? and 5. What teaching materials may be developed to enhance the computational skills of Grade 7 students on integers? The experimental method was applied in this study since the effect of the materials used on the performance of Grade 7 students on operations on integers was measured. In addition, the researcher employed the pre - post - test design, using two (2) groups, the control, and the experimental groups. These groups were tested before and after the experimentation. Test results were utilized as a basis for providing judgment on the effect of the interventions provided. The main tool used by the researcher to gather the data was a teacher - made pre - and post - test. The skills tested were adding integers, subtracting integers, multiplying integers, and dividing integers. The test is composed of forty (40) items, twelve (12) items were allocated to adding integers, twelve (12) for subtracting integers, eight (8) for multiplying integers, and eight (8) for dividing integers. Item allocation was based on the weight and number of days utilized for each topic as reflected in the table of specification. The performance of the students in each group was determined by computing the mean score in each skill and the corresponding performance level. The test of difference in the performance of the control and experimental groups in the post - test was, a t - test for independent samples was utilized.

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