Enhancing Biometric Attendance Systems for Educational Institutions

Authors : Vedant Mankar; Athrav Jadhav; Gayatri Golhar; Prajakta Sambhe; Sidhant Nitale; Bhavana Kharode; Gaurav Thakare; M. K. Shriwas

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 3 - March

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/4ev6z88r

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/2w5cbar6

DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24MAR2165

Abstract : This research paper aims to contribute to the field of biometric attendance systems by conducting a comprehensive analysis of fingerprint-based attendance systems described in the provided abstracts. The focus will be on systems designed for educational institutions with an emphasis on time efficiency, user satisfaction, and accuracy in attendance tracking. The study will compare and contrast the methodologies, technologies, and implementation details presented in the abstracts, identifying strengths and weaknesses of each system. Special attention will be given to the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, biometric design processes, and the integration of fingerprint sensors with microcontrollers like ESP32.Furthermore, the research will explore optimization strategies to enhance the overall performance of these systems. This includes investigating the feasibility of incorporating advanced fingerprint identification algorithms, improving user interface design, and streamlining the data collection and storage processes. The experimental aspect of the research will involve implementing the proposed optimization strategies on a prototype system and evaluating its performance against the existing systems. Metrics such as fingerprint identification accuracy, average matching time, and system efficiency will be measured and compared to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed enhancements.

Keywords : ESP32, Fingerprint, Biometric, Attendance, Internet of things, Performance Metrics, Security Measures , Segmentation, and System Robustness.

This research paper aims to contribute to the field of biometric attendance systems by conducting a comprehensive analysis of fingerprint-based attendance systems described in the provided abstracts. The focus will be on systems designed for educational institutions with an emphasis on time efficiency, user satisfaction, and accuracy in attendance tracking. The study will compare and contrast the methodologies, technologies, and implementation details presented in the abstracts, identifying strengths and weaknesses of each system. Special attention will be given to the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, biometric design processes, and the integration of fingerprint sensors with microcontrollers like ESP32.Furthermore, the research will explore optimization strategies to enhance the overall performance of these systems. This includes investigating the feasibility of incorporating advanced fingerprint identification algorithms, improving user interface design, and streamlining the data collection and storage processes. The experimental aspect of the research will involve implementing the proposed optimization strategies on a prototype system and evaluating its performance against the existing systems. Metrics such as fingerprint identification accuracy, average matching time, and system efficiency will be measured and compared to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed enhancements.

Keywords : ESP32, Fingerprint, Biometric, Attendance, Internet of things, Performance Metrics, Security Measures , Segmentation, and System Robustness.


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