Embedded Smart Health Monitoring System-Wearable Devices

Authors : A Sushmitha, Anusha N S, Anusha S Raj, Vidyashree. C.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2EXdKqL

Abstract : This paper gives an insight towards current trends and employed methodologies in wearable device technology. In the present era it is essential to design a cost-effective healthcare system as it is essential to make the smart health systems available to all the people around the world. In this project we have developed a healthcare monitoring system which bears the track of patient’s exercising postures, breathing patterns, glucose level detection along with the implementation of Peltier. With the advancement of technology and usage of Cloud computing, it becomes easy for updation of these measured data. This automatic updation of data prevents all the errors which can be caused by manually entering the data.

Keywords : Cloud, Wearable Device, Embedded Monitoring System, IoT.

This paper gives an insight towards current trends and employed methodologies in wearable device technology. In the present era it is essential to design a cost-effective healthcare system as it is essential to make the smart health systems available to all the people around the world. In this project we have developed a healthcare monitoring system which bears the track of patient’s exercising postures, breathing patterns, glucose level detection along with the implementation of Peltier. With the advancement of technology and usage of Cloud computing, it becomes easy for updation of these measured data. This automatic updation of data prevents all the errors which can be caused by manually entering the data.

Keywords : Cloud, Wearable Device, Embedded Monitoring System, IoT.

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