Efficacy of the Fuller Approach in Teaching Reading to Struggling Readers in a Multigrade Class

Authors : Ragienald F. Gevero; Romulo G. Doronio

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/54y4ajtm

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24JUL446

Abstract : This research study examined the effectiveness of the fuller approach as an intervention program for improving reading skills among selected grade 3-6 children who are struggling readers in a multigrade class. Using a quantitative quasi- experimental research design, this study employed a one- group posttest measurement approach to analyze a dependent variable after treatment or an altered independent variable. The statistical method of mean was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the broader approach in teaching reading to struggling readers in a multigrade class. The findings of this study demonstrated a notable reduction in the number of students classified at the Frustration Level, accompanied by a distinct transition towards the Instructional and Independent Levels. Most pupils have now achieved a level of learning where they can comprehend and utilize their knowledge autonomously. The study emphasized the progressive decline of reading readiness problems among kids in Grades 3-6 as a direct consequence of these promising outcomes. The Fuller Approach should be continued and improved, as it can significantly enhance this group's reading skills. The findings indicate that the Fuller Approach significantly improved pupils' reading proficiency. Thus, the study determined that using the Fuller Approach is advisable to enhance the student's reading proficiency.

Keywords : Fuller Approach, Quasi-Experimental Research Design, Reading, Reading Level, Struggling Readers.

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This research study examined the effectiveness of the fuller approach as an intervention program for improving reading skills among selected grade 3-6 children who are struggling readers in a multigrade class. Using a quantitative quasi- experimental research design, this study employed a one- group posttest measurement approach to analyze a dependent variable after treatment or an altered independent variable. The statistical method of mean was used to evaluate the effectiveness of the broader approach in teaching reading to struggling readers in a multigrade class. The findings of this study demonstrated a notable reduction in the number of students classified at the Frustration Level, accompanied by a distinct transition towards the Instructional and Independent Levels. Most pupils have now achieved a level of learning where they can comprehend and utilize their knowledge autonomously. The study emphasized the progressive decline of reading readiness problems among kids in Grades 3-6 as a direct consequence of these promising outcomes. The Fuller Approach should be continued and improved, as it can significantly enhance this group's reading skills. The findings indicate that the Fuller Approach significantly improved pupils' reading proficiency. Thus, the study determined that using the Fuller Approach is advisable to enhance the student's reading proficiency.

Keywords : Fuller Approach, Quasi-Experimental Research Design, Reading, Reading Level, Struggling Readers.

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