Effects of Sub-Chronic Exposure of the Food Dye Amaranth on the Biochemistry of Swiss Albino Mice (Mus Musculus L.)

Authors : Dr.Geeta Meena; Beena Meena

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3OZcWnj

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6796069

Abstract : Amaranth is a colorant widely used in food products, drugs and cosmetics.Swiss albino-mice (Mus musculus) of age Mice are 6-8weeks old. The current study evaluates toxic effects of both (1200 mg /kg body weight) and high dose (2400mg/kg body weight) of Amaranth ongeneral health and biochemistry( Glucose, cholesterol, total protein) of Swiss albino mice exposed for 7,14,21,28 days throughamaranth were dissolved in ddH2O and administered through oral gavage. Body weight showed that this change was positive for Group IIa while negative for Group IIb. It was also evident that substantial depreciation of body weight began early in amaranth exposed mice

Keywords : Amaranth, sub-chronic toxicity, biochemistry, Glucose, cholesterol, Total protein, Swiss albino mice ( Mus musculus L.)

Amaranth is a colorant widely used in food products, drugs and cosmetics.Swiss albino-mice (Mus musculus) of age Mice are 6-8weeks old. The current study evaluates toxic effects of both (1200 mg /kg body weight) and high dose (2400mg/kg body weight) of Amaranth ongeneral health and biochemistry( Glucose, cholesterol, total protein) of Swiss albino mice exposed for 7,14,21,28 days throughamaranth were dissolved in ddH2O and administered through oral gavage. Body weight showed that this change was positive for Group IIa while negative for Group IIb. It was also evident that substantial depreciation of body weight began early in amaranth exposed mice

Keywords : Amaranth, sub-chronic toxicity, biochemistry, Glucose, cholesterol, Total protein, Swiss albino mice ( Mus musculus L.)

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