Effects of Neem, Heglig Aqueous Extracts and Nitrogen Doses on Striga hermonthica (DEL) on Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Authors : Mukhtar Abdel Aziz Mohamed Osman; Ammar MS Abdalla

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3YiYb2w

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7688659

Abstract : A pots experiment was conducted during the two consecutive winter seasons 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 at the demonstration farm, Collage of Agricultural studies, (CAS), Shambat, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum Bahri Locality, Khartoum state, Sudan (Latitude15° 40` N and Longitude 32° 23` E,) to evaluate two botanical aqueousextracts (Neem leaves, Heglig seeds) and three levels of nitrogen on S.hermonthica incidence and growth and yield of wheat. Combined analysis of both winter seasons showed that Striga emergence increased with the increasing number of weeks after sowing, Neem 10%, Heglig 10% and Nitrogen 80 lb/fed., were the best treatments which achieved significantly lowest number of Striga emergence, lowest Striga shoot fresh weight (g)/plant, shoot dry weight (g)/plant. and gave comparable to that obtained by the Striga free control. Neem 10% and nitrogen at 80 lb/fed., were the best treatments which achieved significantly highest wheat shoot fresh weight (g)/plant, shoot dry weight (g)/ plant and gave comparable to that obtained by Striga free control treatment. Nitrogen at 80 lb/fed.Only the best treatment, which achieved the highest number of tillers/plants and gave comparable to that obtained by Striga free control treatment. Neem 10% and nitrogen at 80 lb/fed., significantly increased wheat plant height (cm) and they were the best treatments, which achieved comparable to that obtained by the Striga free control treatment. A combined analysis of both winter seasons indicated that Striga significantly reduced wheat grain yield by 14.58%. Within all treatments nitrogen at 80 lb/fed, was the best treatment which gave the highest wheat grain yield and gave comparable to that obtained by Striga free controltreatment, followed by Neem 10%. Nitrogen at 80 lb/fed, significantly increased wheat grain yield (kg/fed.,) by 38.02%.

Keywords : Emergence; Free; Incidence; Increased; Reduced.

A pots experiment was conducted during the two consecutive winter seasons 2019/2020 and 2020/2021 at the demonstration farm, Collage of Agricultural studies, (CAS), Shambat, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Khartoum Bahri Locality, Khartoum state, Sudan (Latitude15° 40` N and Longitude 32° 23` E,) to evaluate two botanical aqueousextracts (Neem leaves, Heglig seeds) and three levels of nitrogen on S.hermonthica incidence and growth and yield of wheat. Combined analysis of both winter seasons showed that Striga emergence increased with the increasing number of weeks after sowing, Neem 10%, Heglig 10% and Nitrogen 80 lb/fed., were the best treatments which achieved significantly lowest number of Striga emergence, lowest Striga shoot fresh weight (g)/plant, shoot dry weight (g)/plant. and gave comparable to that obtained by the Striga free control. Neem 10% and nitrogen at 80 lb/fed., were the best treatments which achieved significantly highest wheat shoot fresh weight (g)/plant, shoot dry weight (g)/ plant and gave comparable to that obtained by Striga free control treatment. Nitrogen at 80 lb/fed.Only the best treatment, which achieved the highest number of tillers/plants and gave comparable to that obtained by Striga free control treatment. Neem 10% and nitrogen at 80 lb/fed., significantly increased wheat plant height (cm) and they were the best treatments, which achieved comparable to that obtained by the Striga free control treatment. A combined analysis of both winter seasons indicated that Striga significantly reduced wheat grain yield by 14.58%. Within all treatments nitrogen at 80 lb/fed, was the best treatment which gave the highest wheat grain yield and gave comparable to that obtained by Striga free controltreatment, followed by Neem 10%. Nitrogen at 80 lb/fed, significantly increased wheat grain yield (kg/fed.,) by 38.02%.

Keywords : Emergence; Free; Incidence; Increased; Reduced.

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