Effects of Different Disinfectants on Blue Mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) Embryo

Authors : Floriefe Gonzaga Torino

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2RdRT47

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG824

Abstract : Occurrence of diseases caused by bacteria during larval culture is still one of the major constraints in aquaculture. Understanding the host-microbe interactions is certainly relevant to develop disease control systems for the aquaculture industry. Therefore, obtaining test animals free from microorganisms (germfree or axenic) is necessary, as the presence of naturally occurring microorganisms in the host may lead to false conclusions. The aim of this study is to obtain axenic blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) embryo using different disinfectants. The efficacy of chemicals in reducing the bacterial load associated with mussel eggs and embryos is tested, as well as the resistance of the eggs to these chemicals. For that purpose, fertilized eggs are exposed to different chemicals at different concentrations. The disinfectants tested include hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, and Sanocare HC. All disinfectants are found to be detrimental for the mussel embryo.

Keywords : Mytilus edulis L.; Blue Mussel; broodstock mussels; Axenic; Germ Free; Bacteria Free; Sterile; Disinfectants

Occurrence of diseases caused by bacteria during larval culture is still one of the major constraints in aquaculture. Understanding the host-microbe interactions is certainly relevant to develop disease control systems for the aquaculture industry. Therefore, obtaining test animals free from microorganisms (germfree or axenic) is necessary, as the presence of naturally occurring microorganisms in the host may lead to false conclusions. The aim of this study is to obtain axenic blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) embryo using different disinfectants. The efficacy of chemicals in reducing the bacterial load associated with mussel eggs and embryos is tested, as well as the resistance of the eggs to these chemicals. For that purpose, fertilized eggs are exposed to different chemicals at different concentrations. The disinfectants tested include hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, and Sanocare HC. All disinfectants are found to be detrimental for the mussel embryo.

Keywords : Mytilus edulis L.; Blue Mussel; broodstock mussels; Axenic; Germ Free; Bacteria Free; Sterile; Disinfectants

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