Effectiveness, Relevance, and Sustainability of Extension Projects: The Case of Bukidnon State University College of Education

Authors : Dr. Bernadette S. Binayao; Shaunell Mary J. Sayson; Dr. Lolita S. Dula

Volume/Issue : Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3kbsabX

Abstract : The study determined the effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability of the extension projects of Bukidnon State University (BukSU) of the College of Education (CoE) during the years 2019-2020. The areas such as learning outcomes, delivery and instructional materials, resource persons/trainers, and venues and facilities were considered to assess the effectiveness of the projects. The relevance of the projects to BukSU Framework, national and international goals were also determined. The descriptive quantitative method of research was utilized using the researcher-made survey instrument. The participants of the study were the 118 teacher beneficiaries of the projects. The statistical mean and standard deviation were used in the treatment of the data. Generally, the findings revealed that the beneficiaries of the four extension projects under the CoE strongly agreed that the activities conducted were highly effective and highly relevant. Similarly, the sustainability of the projects was generally highly sustainable as strongly agreed by the beneficiaries under the three (3) projects namely Capacitating DepEd Teachers on Knowledge and Skills in Sports; Capacitating the ALS InFEd Teachers in Teaching LifeSkills Education; and Empowering Child Development Workers’ Classroom Management; however, for the project Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Action, it was sustainable as agreed by the beneficiaries

Keywords : Effectiveness, Relevance, Sustainability, CoE Extension Projects

The study determined the effectiveness, relevance, and sustainability of the extension projects of Bukidnon State University (BukSU) of the College of Education (CoE) during the years 2019-2020. The areas such as learning outcomes, delivery and instructional materials, resource persons/trainers, and venues and facilities were considered to assess the effectiveness of the projects. The relevance of the projects to BukSU Framework, national and international goals were also determined. The descriptive quantitative method of research was utilized using the researcher-made survey instrument. The participants of the study were the 118 teacher beneficiaries of the projects. The statistical mean and standard deviation were used in the treatment of the data. Generally, the findings revealed that the beneficiaries of the four extension projects under the CoE strongly agreed that the activities conducted were highly effective and highly relevant. Similarly, the sustainability of the projects was generally highly sustainable as strongly agreed by the beneficiaries under the three (3) projects namely Capacitating DepEd Teachers on Knowledge and Skills in Sports; Capacitating the ALS InFEd Teachers in Teaching LifeSkills Education; and Empowering Child Development Workers’ Classroom Management; however, for the project Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Action, it was sustainable as agreed by the beneficiaries

Keywords : Effectiveness, Relevance, Sustainability, CoE Extension Projects

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