Effectiveness of the Video Assisted Teaching Program on Thermal Protection of Newborns among Mothers in a Selected Hospital at Mangalore

Authors : Laxmi Paudyal; Nitu Singh Gautam

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/2YyxsTr

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG150

Abstract : The Child is always precious so their health too. The maintenance of child health is desired and positively taken so every society has goal of improved level of child health status. Neonatal care begins from premarital age which continues from conception, pregnancy, and childbirth and to the childhood through proper care during each stage. When primary neonatal care is inadequate, then it leads to unavoidable and unacceptable high neonatal morbidity and mortality occurs. Among the concerned care thermal protection of newborn is also one of them since hypothermia is considered silent killer among neonate. To make aware regarding this condition with the aim to find the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on thermal protection of newborns among mothers this study was conducted. Researcher used an evaluatory approach with a pre experimental, one group pre-test post test design in the study. A self prepared knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge among mothers on thermal protection of newborns followed by video assisted teaching program and again followed by same questionnaire for post test. Split half method was used to test tool reliability and found that tool was reliable (r= 0.86; p<0.05). To select sample of 50 mothers from a maternity hospital non probability purposive sampling technique was used. Findings revealed that the post test knowledge score (15.12±3.41) was higher than pretest knowledge score (9.68±3.27). The calculated‘t’ value in knowledge (8.895 p<0.005) was greater than the table value (1.677). Study found significant association between the pre-test knowledge level on thermal protection of newborn among mothers and selected baseline variables. Study concluded that the video assisted teaching program was highly effective in improving the knowledge of mothers on thermal protection of newborns

Keywords : Effectiveness, Knowledge, Video assisted teaching program, Newborn, Thermal protection, Mothers, Selected hospital

The Child is always precious so their health too. The maintenance of child health is desired and positively taken so every society has goal of improved level of child health status. Neonatal care begins from premarital age which continues from conception, pregnancy, and childbirth and to the childhood through proper care during each stage. When primary neonatal care is inadequate, then it leads to unavoidable and unacceptable high neonatal morbidity and mortality occurs. Among the concerned care thermal protection of newborn is also one of them since hypothermia is considered silent killer among neonate. To make aware regarding this condition with the aim to find the effectiveness of video assisted teaching program on thermal protection of newborns among mothers this study was conducted. Researcher used an evaluatory approach with a pre experimental, one group pre-test post test design in the study. A self prepared knowledge questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge among mothers on thermal protection of newborns followed by video assisted teaching program and again followed by same questionnaire for post test. Split half method was used to test tool reliability and found that tool was reliable (r= 0.86; p<0.05). To select sample of 50 mothers from a maternity hospital non probability purposive sampling technique was used. Findings revealed that the post test knowledge score (15.12±3.41) was higher than pretest knowledge score (9.68±3.27). The calculated‘t’ value in knowledge (8.895 p<0.005) was greater than the table value (1.677). Study found significant association between the pre-test knowledge level on thermal protection of newborn among mothers and selected baseline variables. Study concluded that the video assisted teaching program was highly effective in improving the knowledge of mothers on thermal protection of newborns

Keywords : Effectiveness, Knowledge, Video assisted teaching program, Newborn, Thermal protection, Mothers, Selected hospital

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