Effectiveness of E-Learning on Knowledge of Standard Precautions Among Nursing Students

Authors : Priya R; Dr.Baba Vajrala

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

Google Scholar : https://bit.ly/3IIfn9N

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3CS7EGy

DOI : https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7187399

Abstract : Health professionals should always take standard precautions and treat every patient as though they were possibly contagious or susceptible to infection. The goal of this study was to assess how well nursing students had learned about standard precautions using e-learning. The pre-test-post-test design with a quasiexperimental one-group (pre-test) sample size of 45 nursing students was used. The pre-test and post-test were evaluated, and an E-Learning educational intervention about standard precautions was given. The mean knowledge score before the test was 15.24, and the mean knowledge score after the test was 21.82; the difference between the two, or the 't' value, between the two scores (21.82), shows that there were significant changes in knowledge (p<0.05). Age (3.15), income (7.85), and source of knowledge (0.67) were not associated with knowledge. The findings indicated that the E-Learning educational intervention increased nursing students' understanding of standard precautions, which will allow them to safeguard patients.

Keywords : Effectiveness, E-Learning, Standard precautions, Knowledge, Nursing students.

Health professionals should always take standard precautions and treat every patient as though they were possibly contagious or susceptible to infection. The goal of this study was to assess how well nursing students had learned about standard precautions using e-learning. The pre-test-post-test design with a quasiexperimental one-group (pre-test) sample size of 45 nursing students was used. The pre-test and post-test were evaluated, and an E-Learning educational intervention about standard precautions was given. The mean knowledge score before the test was 15.24, and the mean knowledge score after the test was 21.82; the difference between the two, or the 't' value, between the two scores (21.82), shows that there were significant changes in knowledge (p<0.05). Age (3.15), income (7.85), and source of knowledge (0.67) were not associated with knowledge. The findings indicated that the E-Learning educational intervention increased nursing students' understanding of standard precautions, which will allow them to safeguard patients.

Keywords : Effectiveness, E-Learning, Standard precautions, Knowledge, Nursing students.

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