Authors :
Wahyu Astiko; Mohamad Taufik Fauzi; Ni Made Laksmi Ernawati; I Putu Silawibawa; Irwan Muthahanas
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
This study aims to determine how effective the
application of ameliorants containing mycorrhiza is in
increasing the yield and uptake of nitrogen and
phosphorus of sweet corn plants. Laboratorium
Mikrobiologi dan Laboratorium Fisika dan Kimia Tanah
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram menjadi lokasi
percobaan yang dilaksanakan di Moncok Karya,
Kecamatan Ampenan, Kota Mataram. Percobaan
menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan lima
perlakuan amelioran sebagai berikut: PC yang
merupakan kombinasi arang sekam padi, kompos,
kotoran sapi, dan mikoriza (1:1:1:1); PA yaitu arang
sekam padi ditambah mikoriza; PK yaitu kompos
ditambah mikoriza; PS yaitu kotoran sapi ditambah
mikoriza. The resulting research shows that plant yield,
NP uptake, and mycorrhiza development are all effectively
increased by applying a mixed ameliorant consisting of
cow dung, compost, rice husk charcoal, and mycorrhiza
(1:1:1:1). The combination of rice husk charcoal,
mycorrhiza, compost, and cow manure produces a mixed
ameliorant composition that effectively promotes the
highest amount of sweet corn yield.
Keywords :
Ameliorant, Mychorrhiza,Nitrogen, Phosphate.
This study aims to determine how effective the
application of ameliorants containing mycorrhiza is in
increasing the yield and uptake of nitrogen and
phosphorus of sweet corn plants. Laboratorium
Mikrobiologi dan Laboratorium Fisika dan Kimia Tanah
Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Mataram menjadi lokasi
percobaan yang dilaksanakan di Moncok Karya,
Kecamatan Ampenan, Kota Mataram. Percobaan
menggunakan rancangan acak kelompok dengan lima
perlakuan amelioran sebagai berikut: PC yang
merupakan kombinasi arang sekam padi, kompos,
kotoran sapi, dan mikoriza (1:1:1:1); PA yaitu arang
sekam padi ditambah mikoriza; PK yaitu kompos
ditambah mikoriza; PS yaitu kotoran sapi ditambah
mikoriza. The resulting research shows that plant yield,
NP uptake, and mycorrhiza development are all effectively
increased by applying a mixed ameliorant consisting of
cow dung, compost, rice husk charcoal, and mycorrhiza
(1:1:1:1). The combination of rice husk charcoal,
mycorrhiza, compost, and cow manure produces a mixed
ameliorant composition that effectively promotes the
highest amount of sweet corn yield.
Keywords :
Ameliorant, Mychorrhiza,Nitrogen, Phosphate.