Effect of Security Personnel in Provision of Quality Education in Public Secondary Schools in Embu County, Kenya

Authors : Kanga, Rael Kinya; Mwirichia, Severina; Kanyi, Charles

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : https://tinyurl.com/mrye3fy5

Scribd : https://tinyurl.com/bdz26wk7

DOI : https://doi.org/10.38124/ijisrt/IJISRT24AUG1561

Abstract : Provision of quality education requires a multidimensional approach incorporating other players in the subsector including security personnel. Quality education needs a safe and secure environment. This study assessed the effect of security personnel in providing quality education in 165 public secondary schools of Embu County, Kenya. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of security personnel in provision of quality education in public secondary schools in Embu County, Kenya. Institution theory by Meyer and Rowan was adopted. This study involved descriptive survey design and utilized qualitative research method. Stratified, purposive techniques were used to select the sample size. Data was collected by observation, use of open-ended questionnaires, and in-depth interview. Pretesting of instruments was done to determine validity and reliability. A sample size of 20% was used for population above 50, 30% for any category above 10 but not exceeding 50. Census was used for cases below 10, All principals, one student per school and all security personnel in public secondary schools were targeted. Results were presented using tables, pie charts and graphs. Relevant authorities were sought permission to collect data for the study. Findings indicated that security personnel were very important in providing conducive environment for learning, more than half of them were not trained, terms of service were not clear. The research recommends that: security personnel should be trained and involved in school administration, policy should be reviewed to spell clear terms of employment and further studies in other education institutions like special education and polytechnics.

Keywords : Security Personnel, Quality Education.

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Provision of quality education requires a multidimensional approach incorporating other players in the subsector including security personnel. Quality education needs a safe and secure environment. This study assessed the effect of security personnel in providing quality education in 165 public secondary schools of Embu County, Kenya. The main objective of the study was to investigate the effect of security personnel in provision of quality education in public secondary schools in Embu County, Kenya. Institution theory by Meyer and Rowan was adopted. This study involved descriptive survey design and utilized qualitative research method. Stratified, purposive techniques were used to select the sample size. Data was collected by observation, use of open-ended questionnaires, and in-depth interview. Pretesting of instruments was done to determine validity and reliability. A sample size of 20% was used for population above 50, 30% for any category above 10 but not exceeding 50. Census was used for cases below 10, All principals, one student per school and all security personnel in public secondary schools were targeted. Results were presented using tables, pie charts and graphs. Relevant authorities were sought permission to collect data for the study. Findings indicated that security personnel were very important in providing conducive environment for learning, more than half of them were not trained, terms of service were not clear. The research recommends that: security personnel should be trained and involved in school administration, policy should be reviewed to spell clear terms of employment and further studies in other education institutions like special education and polytechnics.

Keywords : Security Personnel, Quality Education.

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