Authors :
Annisa Nurul Istiqomah; Edy Prihantoro
Volume/Issue :
Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
The existence of educators (teachers) and
education staff are human resources for SMAN 2
Tangerang Regency and are the most important assets
owned by the institution and taken into account by school
managers. The reliability and capacity of human
resources, teachers and educational staff at SMAN 2
Tangerang Regency have a duty to continue to be able to
improve quality and affordable competencies for students
in order to realize the highest degree of education. This
study aims to determine the effect of organizational
communication and transformational leadership of the
principal on increasing the work motivation of teachers
and education staff at SMAN 2 Tangerang Regency. The
research approach used is quantitative. All teachers and
education staff at SMAN 2 Tangerang Regency, totaling
67 people, were sampled in this study. The analytical
technique used in this research is multiple linear
regression analysis. The results of data analysis show that:
1. Organizational communication has a significant
influence on the work motivation of teachers and
Keywords :
Organizational Communication, Transformational Leadership, Work Motivation.
The existence of educators (teachers) and
education staff are human resources for SMAN 2
Tangerang Regency and are the most important assets
owned by the institution and taken into account by school
managers. The reliability and capacity of human
resources, teachers and educational staff at SMAN 2
Tangerang Regency have a duty to continue to be able to
improve quality and affordable competencies for students
in order to realize the highest degree of education. This
study aims to determine the effect of organizational
communication and transformational leadership of the
principal on increasing the work motivation of teachers
and education staff at SMAN 2 Tangerang Regency. The
research approach used is quantitative. All teachers and
education staff at SMAN 2 Tangerang Regency, totaling
67 people, were sampled in this study. The analytical
technique used in this research is multiple linear
regression analysis. The results of data analysis show that:
1. Organizational communication has a significant
influence on the work motivation of teachers and
Keywords :
Organizational Communication, Transformational Leadership, Work Motivation.