Authors :
Dr. Kajal; Dr. Divya Lohia; Dr. Varun Goyal; Dr. Rajkumar Singh; Dr. Gurkeerat Singh; Dr. Sushma Chaurasia; Dr. Triparna Kapoor; Dr. Anushree Bansal
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Nanotechnology is defined as the
multidisciplinary approach in materials and devices at
the nanoscale level to detect and exploit the useful
properties that derive from these dimensions; materials
with components less than 100 nm in at least one
dimension are called nanomaterials. Enhancing human
life and health is the aim of various advancements in this
field. The most recent advancements in nanotechnology in
dentistry, particularly in orthodontics, are to be summed
up and described in this article. Additionally, we discuss
the potential use of nanotechnology in orthodontics.
Keywords :
Nanodentistry; Nanoparticles; Smart Brackets; Micro Implants; Nano Composite; Nanoimprinting; Nanoelectromechanical System.
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Nanotechnology is defined as the
multidisciplinary approach in materials and devices at
the nanoscale level to detect and exploit the useful
properties that derive from these dimensions; materials
with components less than 100 nm in at least one
dimension are called nanomaterials. Enhancing human
life and health is the aim of various advancements in this
field. The most recent advancements in nanotechnology in
dentistry, particularly in orthodontics, are to be summed
up and described in this article. Additionally, we discuss
the potential use of nanotechnology in orthodontics.
Keywords :
Nanodentistry; Nanoparticles; Smart Brackets; Micro Implants; Nano Composite; Nanoimprinting; Nanoelectromechanical System.