Authors :
Mihika Savani , Akhil Bhargava
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
This study analyses the impact of bottlenecks in production on the organizational performance at a conceptual level. A basic understanding was developed from the previous studies from which Game Simulation analysis was adopt. It was observed that identification through fishbone diagram is an effective way to highlight congestions. Reduction in bottlenecks along different stages of production helps in improving organizational performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. The impact of this was found to vary with the time and stage of the reduction and rectification process. Elimination of nonviable activities ensures to eliminate limited capacity which reduces capacity throughout the process subsequently reducing profitability.
This study analyses the impact of bottlenecks in production on the organizational performance at a conceptual level. A basic understanding was developed from the previous studies from which Game Simulation analysis was adopt. It was observed that identification through fishbone diagram is an effective way to highlight congestions. Reduction in bottlenecks along different stages of production helps in improving organizational performance in terms of effectiveness and efficiency. The impact of this was found to vary with the time and stage of the reduction and rectification process. Elimination of nonviable activities ensures to eliminate limited capacity which reduces capacity throughout the process subsequently reducing profitability.