Effect of Computer- Simulation on Achievement and Interest in Cell Division Among Male and Female Secondary School Students in Abuja, Nigeria

Authors : Dr. M.A. OKOLO; Dr. O. G.OLUWASEGUN

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August

Google Scholar : http://bitly.ws/9nMw

Scribd : https://bit.ly/3juFftE

DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20AUG519

Abstract : This study is aimed at investigating the ‘Effect of Computer Simulation on Achievement and Interest in Cell Division among Male and Female Secondary School Students in Abuja. The study adopted quasi experimental research design. The sample of the study was 72 students consisting of 33 males and 39 females from two intact classes randomly drawn from all the co-educational schools in the six area councils in Abuja. One class was randomly assigned to the experimental group while the other served as the control group.The experimental group was taught cell division using computer simulation teaching strategy while the control group was taught using the conventional teaching method. The study lasted for six weeks. Two research questions were raised and two corresponding null hypotheses were postulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Two instruments were used for data collection which were; Cell Division Achievement Test (CDAT) and Cell Division Interest Scale (CDIS). CDIS was based on four point likert rating scale. CDAT had a reliability coefficient of 0.81 using kuder- Richard K-R 21 and CDIS had 0.86 using Cronbach’s alpha. The results revealed that: Computer simulation strategy was found to be better than the conventional method in teaching and learning of cell division; gender was not a determinant factor in Biology students’ interest ratings in teaching cell division. It was recommended among others that Biology teachers should adapt the use of Computer simulation strategy in teaching cell division.

Keywords : Cell division, Achievement, Interest, Gender, Computer Simulation.

This study is aimed at investigating the ‘Effect of Computer Simulation on Achievement and Interest in Cell Division among Male and Female Secondary School Students in Abuja. The study adopted quasi experimental research design. The sample of the study was 72 students consisting of 33 males and 39 females from two intact classes randomly drawn from all the co-educational schools in the six area councils in Abuja. One class was randomly assigned to the experimental group while the other served as the control group.The experimental group was taught cell division using computer simulation teaching strategy while the control group was taught using the conventional teaching method. The study lasted for six weeks. Two research questions were raised and two corresponding null hypotheses were postulated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Two instruments were used for data collection which were; Cell Division Achievement Test (CDAT) and Cell Division Interest Scale (CDIS). CDIS was based on four point likert rating scale. CDAT had a reliability coefficient of 0.81 using kuder- Richard K-R 21 and CDIS had 0.86 using Cronbach’s alpha. The results revealed that: Computer simulation strategy was found to be better than the conventional method in teaching and learning of cell division; gender was not a determinant factor in Biology students’ interest ratings in teaching cell division. It was recommended among others that Biology teachers should adapt the use of Computer simulation strategy in teaching cell division.

Keywords : Cell division, Achievement, Interest, Gender, Computer Simulation.

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