Effect of Aswaagndha on Type II Diabetes

Authors : Dr. A. Gowrimeenal, Dr. P. Banumathi, Dr. M. R Premalatha, Dr. R. Rajesh, Dr. K. Arulmozhiselvan

Volume/Issue : Volume 2 - 2017, Issue 11 - November

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/1NHGes

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : Aswagandha is a medicinal herb widely used by the people to treat various disorders like diabetes, mental disease, asthma, inflammation, arthritis and tuberculosis. The plant Withaniacoagulanscommonly called as aswagandha belongs to the family Solanaceaeand is a rare, endangered and endemic plant species of India. The effect of medicinal plants was studied by conducting preclinical (animal) and clinical trial. The animal study was carried out in the approved animal house facility of Department of Pharmacology, Periyar College of Pharmaceutical Sciences College for Girls, Trichy. To study the optimum effective dose of AF and SAFJA extracts on blood glucose, different doses (100&200 mg/kgbw) of extracts were given to Alloxanized rats. .The extract of both AF and SAFJA extracts revealed significant reduction in blood glucose and lipid level in Alloxan induced diabetic rats. Among the two doses 200mg/kgbw of both the extracts exhibited a more hypoglycemic and hypolipidaemic effect in rats.

Keywords : AF- Aswagandhafruit SAFJA- Sirukurunjan, Avaramflower,Fenugreek Seed, Jamunseeds,Amla Fruit

Aswagandha is a medicinal herb widely used by the people to treat various disorders like diabetes, mental disease, asthma, inflammation, arthritis and tuberculosis. The plant Withaniacoagulanscommonly called as aswagandha belongs to the family Solanaceaeand is a rare, endangered and endemic plant species of India. The effect of medicinal plants was studied by conducting preclinical (animal) and clinical trial. The animal study was carried out in the approved animal house facility of Department of Pharmacology, Periyar College of Pharmaceutical Sciences College for Girls, Trichy. To study the optimum effective dose of AF and SAFJA extracts on blood glucose, different doses (100&200 mg/kgbw) of extracts were given to Alloxanized rats. .The extract of both AF and SAFJA extracts revealed significant reduction in blood glucose and lipid level in Alloxan induced diabetic rats. Among the two doses 200mg/kgbw of both the extracts exhibited a more hypoglycemic and hypolipidaemic effect in rats.

Keywords : AF- Aswagandhafruit SAFJA- Sirukurunjan, Avaramflower,Fenugreek Seed, Jamunseeds,Amla Fruit

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