Authors :
Muhammad Muflih Fawwaz Tahir; I Wayan Suardana; I Putu Sudana
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
This study aimed to analyze the strengths and
weaknesses of internal factors in the marketing mix (7P),
the opportunities and threats of external factors in
PESTLE, and to formulate an ecotourism marketing mix
strategy and the implementation of the resulting strategy
program. This research used a descriptive qualitative
approach. Data in this study were collected through
interviews, observations, documentation, and
questionnaires. The informants in this study were the
government and the community, while the respondents
filling out the 7P questionnaire were tourists, totaling 70
people, and the respondents filling out the PESTLE
questionnaire were government officials and community
managers, totaling 10 people. Data analysis used IFE
and EFE analysis, SWOT, and SOSTAC.The results of
this study indicated that the aspects of product, people,
and physical evidence were strengths in the internal
factors, while the aspects of price, promotion, place, and
process were weaknesses in the internal factors of the
marketing mix. In the external aspect, the opportunities
in marketing identified in this study were in the social,
economic, and technological aspects, while the threats
were in the political, legal, and environmental aspects.
Based on the results of IFE, EFE, and SWOT analysis,
the resulting strategy was in quadrant I. This indicated
that the SO strategy was an alternative strategy that
used strengths to take advantage of opportunities in
ecotourism marketing in Malagufuk Village.
Keywords :
Marketing, Kampung Malagufuk, Birdwatching, Ecotourism.
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This study aimed to analyze the strengths and
weaknesses of internal factors in the marketing mix (7P),
the opportunities and threats of external factors in
PESTLE, and to formulate an ecotourism marketing mix
strategy and the implementation of the resulting strategy
program. This research used a descriptive qualitative
approach. Data in this study were collected through
interviews, observations, documentation, and
questionnaires. The informants in this study were the
government and the community, while the respondents
filling out the 7P questionnaire were tourists, totaling 70
people, and the respondents filling out the PESTLE
questionnaire were government officials and community
managers, totaling 10 people. Data analysis used IFE
and EFE analysis, SWOT, and SOSTAC.The results of
this study indicated that the aspects of product, people,
and physical evidence were strengths in the internal
factors, while the aspects of price, promotion, place, and
process were weaknesses in the internal factors of the
marketing mix. In the external aspect, the opportunities
in marketing identified in this study were in the social,
economic, and technological aspects, while the threats
were in the political, legal, and environmental aspects.
Based on the results of IFE, EFE, and SWOT analysis,
the resulting strategy was in quadrant I. This indicated
that the SO strategy was an alternative strategy that
used strengths to take advantage of opportunities in
ecotourism marketing in Malagufuk Village.
Keywords :
Marketing, Kampung Malagufuk, Birdwatching, Ecotourism.