Economic Security Assessment in Catubig Northern Samar Philippines

Authors : Marcos E. Bollido.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : This study conducted to assess the economic security of Catubig in terms of food production, food consumption, livelihood, income and living condition of the municipality of Catubig, Northern Samar, Philippines. Analyze the extent of disaster response provided by the government, Non-Government Organizations (NGO), International Non-Government Organizations (INGO), and concerned groups and individuals to the affected population and how people cope to crises using their local assets or resources after the disaster. Successive and severe typhoons in the past 2 years had majorly affected coconut production, it was mentioned that the main income source was dependent on copra. Poor households becoming poorer as income from said livelihood was affected. Additionally, remoteness of these areas makes it difficult to access basic government services adding further to its economic insecurities.

Keywords : Assessment, Crises, Disaster, Economic, Catubig Northern Samar, Security.

This study conducted to assess the economic security of Catubig in terms of food production, food consumption, livelihood, income and living condition of the municipality of Catubig, Northern Samar, Philippines. Analyze the extent of disaster response provided by the government, Non-Government Organizations (NGO), International Non-Government Organizations (INGO), and concerned groups and individuals to the affected population and how people cope to crises using their local assets or resources after the disaster. Successive and severe typhoons in the past 2 years had majorly affected coconut production, it was mentioned that the main income source was dependent on copra. Poor households becoming poorer as income from said livelihood was affected. Additionally, remoteness of these areas makes it difficult to access basic government services adding further to its economic insecurities.

Keywords : Assessment, Crises, Disaster, Economic, Catubig Northern Samar, Security.

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