E-Logistic System

Authors : Heena Mohd. Ashraf Gigani , Usman Gani M.H Kadariya , Imran Mukhtar Ahmed Shaikh , Mohid Mahmood Kazi , Prof. Javed Khan Sheikh

Volume/Issue : Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February

Google Scholar : https://goo.gl/DF9R4u

Scribd : https://goo.gl/fkvGLP

Thomson Reuters ResearcherID : https://goo.gl/3bkzwv

Abstract : In most of the cities, the transportation industry is highly regulated and utilizes the traditional techniques. However, people faces many problems such as searching for the vehicle as per their requirement which results wastage of time as well as it is hectic. The purpose of our project is to build E-Logistics, an online system for the customers where they can search for the appropriate vehicle and book them for their goods transportation with live updates. The system will estimate the cost via algorithm, the required amount of time between the source and destination is calculated using Algorithm, optimal route is selected and tracking of goods carrying vehicle is done through Google Map’s API. So through our system customer can easily search for the vehicle within his/her nearby source location as per the requirement and can get live updates that assures for delivery of goods.

Keywords : Booking, Driver, E-Logistics, Google API, Live Tracking.

In most of the cities, the transportation industry is highly regulated and utilizes the traditional techniques. However, people faces many problems such as searching for the vehicle as per their requirement which results wastage of time as well as it is hectic. The purpose of our project is to build E-Logistics, an online system for the customers where they can search for the appropriate vehicle and book them for their goods transportation with live updates. The system will estimate the cost via algorithm, the required amount of time between the source and destination is calculated using Algorithm, optimal route is selected and tracking of goods carrying vehicle is done through Google Map’s API. So through our system customer can easily search for the vehicle within his/her nearby source location as per the requirement and can get live updates that assures for delivery of goods.

Keywords : Booking, Driver, E-Logistics, Google API, Live Tracking.

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