Authors :
Emad Faiz Kamel
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
Before me there are only two men in all
creation who did the cosmic phenomena analysis. The
first is Galileo who discovered the earth is spherical the
second is Isaac Newton who discovered the laws of
gravitation. After that, God closed on the nature for
three hundred years. So I am not a discoverer but I am
an analyzer of cosmic phenomena. The heart affects the
human brain with electromagnetic waves, and not, as
medical science deceived us, the brain controls the heart
with brain electricity. The sympathetic and
parasympathetic nerves do not send the electricity from
the brain to the heart but the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nerves receive electromagnetic waves
from the heart to the brain and all the body of human
Before me there are only two men in all
creation who did the cosmic phenomena analysis. The
first is Galileo who discovered the earth is spherical the
second is Isaac Newton who discovered the laws of
gravitation. After that, God closed on the nature for
three hundred years. So I am not a discoverer but I am
an analyzer of cosmic phenomena. The heart affects the
human brain with electromagnetic waves, and not, as
medical science deceived us, the brain controls the heart
with brain electricity. The sympathetic and
parasympathetic nerves do not send the electricity from
the brain to the heart but the sympathetic and
parasympathetic nerves receive electromagnetic waves
from the heart to the brain and all the body of human