Authors :
Nishanov Akhram Khasanovich; Mamazhanov Rakhmatilla Yakubzhanovich; Khaidarov Sherali Islom o’g’li; Xolbekov Abdusattor Maxammatovich; Karimova Zilola Botirovna
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The relevance of the study lies in the fact that
breast cancer is one of the most common oncological
diseases among women, millions of women are diagnosed
with it every year. Early detection is important in this
disease, because if the disease is detected at an early stage,
the chances of treatment are much higher. The study
examines the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, in
particular, ways to automate the process and improve
accuracy based on interviewing users using a program
created in Python. The practical significance of this
scientific work lies in the fact that it proposes algorithmic
approaches aimed at improving the early detection of
breast cancer and improving the quality of life of patients
by reducing errors. This scientific work is devoted to the
development of diagnostic algorithms based on
minimizing errors in early detection of breast cancer. The
importance of diagnosis for early detection of breast
cancer is considered and special attention is paid to the
development of diagnostic software. This software
package collects information about breast cancer and
creates an algorithm that supports its diagnosis and
Keywords :
Breast Cancer, Diagnosis, Algorithm, Software, Data Collection, Parameters, Classes, Objects.
References :
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The relevance of the study lies in the fact that
breast cancer is one of the most common oncological
diseases among women, millions of women are diagnosed
with it every year. Early detection is important in this
disease, because if the disease is detected at an early stage,
the chances of treatment are much higher. The study
examines the use of artificial intelligence algorithms, in
particular, ways to automate the process and improve
accuracy based on interviewing users using a program
created in Python. The practical significance of this
scientific work lies in the fact that it proposes algorithmic
approaches aimed at improving the early detection of
breast cancer and improving the quality of life of patients
by reducing errors. This scientific work is devoted to the
development of diagnostic algorithms based on
minimizing errors in early detection of breast cancer. The
importance of diagnosis for early detection of breast
cancer is considered and special attention is paid to the
development of diagnostic software. This software
package collects information about breast cancer and
creates an algorithm that supports its diagnosis and
Keywords :
Breast Cancer, Diagnosis, Algorithm, Software, Data Collection, Parameters, Classes, Objects.