Authors :
Achmad Zanuar Ansori, Muslimin Ibrahim, Wahono Widodo, Suyatno Sutoyo
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 1 - January
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Abstract :
Research papers about students’ critical
thinking disposition reported that truth-seeking
subscale generally had the lowest score among six
others. Preliminary research on high school students
also supported that phenomenon. So, there was a need
to propose a learning model to improve students’ truth-
seeking disposition. Truth-seeking Learning Model
(TLM) was developed to overcome it. The learning
model consists of six phases. The aim of this research
was to get the validity of both content and construct and
the reliability of the learning model. The data were
collected through Focus Group Discussion using
learning model validity sheets. The validity and the
reliability were analyzed using average score, inter-
rater coefficient correlation, and Cronbach’s alpha.
The results showed that the content and construct of the
TLM were valid. The TLM was also reliable. It means
that the TLM has a high quality.
Keywords :
Learning Model, Validity, Truth-Seeking, Disposition.
Research papers about students’ critical
thinking disposition reported that truth-seeking
subscale generally had the lowest score among six
others. Preliminary research on high school students
also supported that phenomenon. So, there was a need
to propose a learning model to improve students’ truth-
seeking disposition. Truth-seeking Learning Model
(TLM) was developed to overcome it. The learning
model consists of six phases. The aim of this research
was to get the validity of both content and construct and
the reliability of the learning model. The data were
collected through Focus Group Discussion using
learning model validity sheets. The validity and the
reliability were analyzed using average score, inter-
rater coefficient correlation, and Cronbach’s alpha.
The results showed that the content and construct of the
TLM were valid. The TLM was also reliable. It means
that the TLM has a high quality.
Keywords :
Learning Model, Validity, Truth-Seeking, Disposition.