Authors :
Agus Astini; Agung Lukito; Tatag Yuli Eko Siswono
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to describe the
results of the development of problem solving-based
mathematics learning tools to train the creativity of
students on estimating the amount and difference of two
fractions in grade IV SD Khadijah. The development of
learning tools in this study uses the Thiagarajan 4D
model which is modified into 3D, namely the define
stage, the design stage, the development stage. Learning
tools developed include RPP, LKPD, and TKPD. The
instruments used were the learning device validation
sheet, the teacher and student activity observation sheet,
the student's creativity test, and the learning outcome
assessment. After the data were analyzed descriptively,
the results of the study were as follows: the average
value of the RPP was 3.79, the validity value of the
LKPD was 3.50, and the results of the TKPD validation
could be used with minor revisions. So that the learning
device is said to be valid. The teacher's activities in
implementing problem-solving learning have been good
because all the learning steps in the lesson plan have
been carried out. The activities of students while
participating in learning at meeting 1 and meeting 2
have increased. With an increase in the activity of
students it means that students are active in
participating in problem solving-based mathematics
learning. The students' creativity test was given two
tests, namely before and after problem-solving based
learning. The results of the creativity tests of students
before and after problem solving based learning were
37.8% and 57.9%. Thus, the creativity of students has
increased significantly after using problem-solving
based learning tools.
Keywords :
Problem solving based learning, creativity, estimation of the number and difference of two fractions
The purpose of this study was to describe the
results of the development of problem solving-based
mathematics learning tools to train the creativity of
students on estimating the amount and difference of two
fractions in grade IV SD Khadijah. The development of
learning tools in this study uses the Thiagarajan 4D
model which is modified into 3D, namely the define
stage, the design stage, the development stage. Learning
tools developed include RPP, LKPD, and TKPD. The
instruments used were the learning device validation
sheet, the teacher and student activity observation sheet,
the student's creativity test, and the learning outcome
assessment. After the data were analyzed descriptively,
the results of the study were as follows: the average
value of the RPP was 3.79, the validity value of the
LKPD was 3.50, and the results of the TKPD validation
could be used with minor revisions. So that the learning
device is said to be valid. The teacher's activities in
implementing problem-solving learning have been good
because all the learning steps in the lesson plan have
been carried out. The activities of students while
participating in learning at meeting 1 and meeting 2
have increased. With an increase in the activity of
students it means that students are active in
participating in problem solving-based mathematics
learning. The students' creativity test was given two
tests, namely before and after problem-solving based
learning. The results of the creativity tests of students
before and after problem solving based learning were
37.8% and 57.9%. Thus, the creativity of students has
increased significantly after using problem-solving
based learning tools.
Keywords :
Problem solving based learning, creativity, estimation of the number and difference of two fractions