Development of Job Recommender for Alumni Information System

Authors : Gabriel E.Casiño

Volume/Issue : Volume 7 - 2022, Issue 9 - September

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Abstract : Today, online jobs web portals have become the main venues for alumni to find jobs. The web platforms have saved a lot of time and money for alumni and other job-seekers and organizations who want to hire people. However, traditional information retrieval techniques may not be appropriate for any job seeker. The reason is that the number of results returned to a job seeker may be huge, necessitating alumni job seekers to spend a significant amount of time reading and reviewing their options. This study aimed to develop a system that allows can search for job from different job portals and can recommend them to a group of registered alumni. Furthermore, the newly developed system will provide a one-stop venue for alumni for job seeking. Evaluation of the newly developed system was made by the 50 randomly selected pilot users using the ISO 9126 software evaluation tool. The results show that the system performs excellently in terms of functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, and portability. The system can be a big help to all registered alumni of the school, especially in the jobseeking activity.

Keywords : Alumni Information, Job-Recommendation, Job Matching, Job Portal, Information System.

Today, online jobs web portals have become the main venues for alumni to find jobs. The web platforms have saved a lot of time and money for alumni and other job-seekers and organizations who want to hire people. However, traditional information retrieval techniques may not be appropriate for any job seeker. The reason is that the number of results returned to a job seeker may be huge, necessitating alumni job seekers to spend a significant amount of time reading and reviewing their options. This study aimed to develop a system that allows can search for job from different job portals and can recommend them to a group of registered alumni. Furthermore, the newly developed system will provide a one-stop venue for alumni for job seeking. Evaluation of the newly developed system was made by the 50 randomly selected pilot users using the ISO 9126 software evaluation tool. The results show that the system performs excellently in terms of functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, and portability. The system can be a big help to all registered alumni of the school, especially in the jobseeking activity.

Keywords : Alumni Information, Job-Recommendation, Job Matching, Job Portal, Information System.

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