Development of Interactive Flash Media in Learning Newton's Laws

Authors : A.Zaky Al-Ghozali; Dwi Yulianti; Undang Rosidin

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL584

Abstract : This study aims to develop and determine the feasibility of interactive flash media in Newton law learning using a research and development model with ADDIE (Alaysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) development methods. Interactive flash media in learning Newton's laws is validated by material experts and media experts, and trialled in small group trials and field trials. Data collection techniques using observation and questionnaires. The research instrument used was a structured questionnaire using a Likert scale. Data analysis technique is descriptive. The results of this research and development of interactive flash media are categorized as appropriate to be used as learning media in learning Newton's laws of natural science subjects. This can be seen from the results of the assessment of material experts worth 3.75 feasible categories, media experts worth 4.12 feasible categories, small group trials worth 3.01 feasible categories, and field trials worth 3.27 very decent categories. So get a total average score of 3.54 which is included in the feasible category

Keywords : Development; Interactive; Flash Medial; Newton’s Laws.

This study aims to develop and determine the feasibility of interactive flash media in Newton law learning using a research and development model with ADDIE (Alaysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) development methods. Interactive flash media in learning Newton's laws is validated by material experts and media experts, and trialled in small group trials and field trials. Data collection techniques using observation and questionnaires. The research instrument used was a structured questionnaire using a Likert scale. Data analysis technique is descriptive. The results of this research and development of interactive flash media are categorized as appropriate to be used as learning media in learning Newton's laws of natural science subjects. This can be seen from the results of the assessment of material experts worth 3.75 feasible categories, media experts worth 4.12 feasible categories, small group trials worth 3.01 feasible categories, and field trials worth 3.27 very decent categories. So get a total average score of 3.54 which is included in the feasible category

Keywords : Development; Interactive; Flash Medial; Newton’s Laws.

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