Authors :
Reza Rossytawati; Dr. Ali Muhtadi; Dr. C. Asri Budiningsih
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
This study aims to (1) produce e-module
sexual education for early childhood that is appropriate
to increase adult understanding of protecting children
from sexual harassment. (2) Knowing the level of
practicality of sexual education e-modules for early
childhood to increase adult understanding in protecting
children from sexual harassment. (3) Knowing the
effectiveness of sexual education e-modules for early
childhood to increase adult understanding in protecting
children from sexual harassment. Research and
Development area used as research technique, which
used the ADDIE as development model (analyze, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation). The
subjects in this study are media experts, material experts
and parents and teachers from PAUD Ma'arif and
PAUD Cempaka. The instruments used in the study
were e-module feasibility assessment questionnaires, emodule practicality assessment questionnaires and tests.
Descriptive analysis used as data analysis. The results of
the study showed that: (1) The e-module of sexual
education for early childhood is declared feasible to
increase adult understanding in protecting children from
sexual harassment referring to the results of due
diligence by media experts and material experts, all
aspects are declared very feasibly. (2) The sexual
education e-module for early childhood is declared
practical by conducting smallgroup tests and largegroup tests with very practical results. (3) Sexual
education emodules for early childhood are declared
effective in increasing adult understanding of protecting
children from sexual harassment by conducting tests.
The results of the pretest and posttest to calculate the
effectiveness of the media using the gain score obtained a
score of 0.75 (high), so it was concluded that sexual
education e-modules for early childhood were effectively
used to increase adult understanding in protecting
children from sexual harassment.
Keywords :
Sexual education; early childhood; e-module.
This study aims to (1) produce e-module
sexual education for early childhood that is appropriate
to increase adult understanding of protecting children
from sexual harassment. (2) Knowing the level of
practicality of sexual education e-modules for early
childhood to increase adult understanding in protecting
children from sexual harassment. (3) Knowing the
effectiveness of sexual education e-modules for early
childhood to increase adult understanding in protecting
children from sexual harassment. Research and
Development area used as research technique, which
used the ADDIE as development model (analyze, design,
development, implementation, and evaluation). The
subjects in this study are media experts, material experts
and parents and teachers from PAUD Ma'arif and
PAUD Cempaka. The instruments used in the study
were e-module feasibility assessment questionnaires, emodule practicality assessment questionnaires and tests.
Descriptive analysis used as data analysis. The results of
the study showed that: (1) The e-module of sexual
education for early childhood is declared feasible to
increase adult understanding in protecting children from
sexual harassment referring to the results of due
diligence by media experts and material experts, all
aspects are declared very feasibly. (2) The sexual
education e-module for early childhood is declared
practical by conducting smallgroup tests and largegroup tests with very practical results. (3) Sexual
education emodules for early childhood are declared
effective in increasing adult understanding of protecting
children from sexual harassment by conducting tests.
The results of the pretest and posttest to calculate the
effectiveness of the media using the gain score obtained a
score of 0.75 (high), so it was concluded that sexual
education e-modules for early childhood were effectively
used to increase adult understanding in protecting
children from sexual harassment.
Keywords :
Sexual education; early childhood; e-module.