Development and Sensory Quality of Rice Base Candy Supplemented with Mushroom and Walnut Flour

Authors : Abhay Nath; Neetu Singh; Alka Nanda

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 3 - March

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Abstract : An attempt was made to create a rice-based candy that also contained dry mushroom and walnut powder in order to create a Nutri play candy for the teenage population that is unable to obtain the necessary nutrition value from their food on a regular basis. Only sugar syrup was added during the manufacture of the other candies. On the basis of the sensory characteristics of the sample (measured on a 9-point hedonic scale), the process parameters of sugar concentration, temperature, heating time, and texture were examined. The ideal solid candy needs to be processed at 115 °C for 7 minutes at 9% rice powder content. Similarly, after carrying out the same experiment with rice-based candy, it was discovered that utilizing 40% raw sugar, processing at 115 degrees Celsius for 7 minutes, was the optimal combination for its manufacture. Investigations were also conducted into the sensory aspects of the final product and the three factors (Jain el al., 2000). Analysis was done on the samples' changes in sugar content and nutritional value as a function of temperature, heating duration, and sugar concentration. Candy was accepted or liked on the basis of sensory evaluation as it was rated between 7-9 .The candy's nutritional value increases by adding mushroom and walnut flour. As it fulfill the basic protein and energy requirement as well as PUFA and MUFA of teenage group. Candy is the acceptable form which is easily consumed or accepted by teenage. Confection made of rice was determined to conform with FSSAI standards.

An attempt was made to create a rice-based candy that also contained dry mushroom and walnut powder in order to create a Nutri play candy for the teenage population that is unable to obtain the necessary nutrition value from their food on a regular basis. Only sugar syrup was added during the manufacture of the other candies. On the basis of the sensory characteristics of the sample (measured on a 9-point hedonic scale), the process parameters of sugar concentration, temperature, heating time, and texture were examined. The ideal solid candy needs to be processed at 115 °C for 7 minutes at 9% rice powder content. Similarly, after carrying out the same experiment with rice-based candy, it was discovered that utilizing 40% raw sugar, processing at 115 degrees Celsius for 7 minutes, was the optimal combination for its manufacture. Investigations were also conducted into the sensory aspects of the final product and the three factors (Jain el al., 2000). Analysis was done on the samples' changes in sugar content and nutritional value as a function of temperature, heating duration, and sugar concentration. Candy was accepted or liked on the basis of sensory evaluation as it was rated between 7-9 .The candy's nutritional value increases by adding mushroom and walnut flour. As it fulfill the basic protein and energy requirement as well as PUFA and MUFA of teenage group. Candy is the acceptable form which is easily consumed or accepted by teenage. Confection made of rice was determined to conform with FSSAI standards.


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