Authors :
Muhardi Saputra; Tubagus Prakoso; jaswir singh; Muhammad Syahputra Novelan; Abdul Meizar; Siti Aisyah
Volume/Issue :
Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Using two methods in decision support
according to some circles is very inefficient and
redundant (excessive), because in terms of results will
be the same. However, according to the author, it is not
entirely true, sometimes comparing the two methods is
necessary in increasing the confidence of the election
(decision). Likewise, if we want to get something, we
have to compare from several sources. So basically it
will convince the choice (decision). The comparison of
the two methods in this study is Simple Additive
Weighted (SAW) and Weighting Product (WP) because
it uses weight values as the basis of reference. The case
told is choosing the quality of shoes based on the brand
on the type of sport shoes (sports shoes). The purpose of
this research is to determine the best shoe brand, but
the main thing is to add value to the confidence of the
choice because it has been tested by two methods.
Keywords :
Two Method, More Believe, Decision, Best Shoes.
Using two methods in decision support
according to some circles is very inefficient and
redundant (excessive), because in terms of results will
be the same. However, according to the author, it is not
entirely true, sometimes comparing the two methods is
necessary in increasing the confidence of the election
(decision). Likewise, if we want to get something, we
have to compare from several sources. So basically it
will convince the choice (decision). The comparison of
the two methods in this study is Simple Additive
Weighted (SAW) and Weighting Product (WP) because
it uses weight values as the basis of reference. The case
told is choosing the quality of shoes based on the brand
on the type of sport shoes (sports shoes). The purpose of
this research is to determine the best shoe brand, but
the main thing is to add value to the confidence of the
choice because it has been tested by two methods.
Keywords :
Two Method, More Believe, Decision, Best Shoes.