Authors :
Mahamadi Zoundi; Joachim Bonkoungou; Samandoulougou P. Hyacinthe Browson; Yamba Boubacar; Yahaya DIENE
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
The alluvial plain of Karfiguela, located in the
western part of Burkina Faso, has significant surface and
groundwater potential. However, its surface water
resources are under pressure due to the combined effect of
agricultural areas and the increasing number of farmers,
driven by population growth. Studies have shown that the
plain contains a very important and accessible aquifer
that, however, remains underutilized. In this context,
understanding the determinants of the use of alluvial
aquifer waters. The objective of the study is to analyse the
factors that determine the exploitation of groundwater to
address the shortage of surface water for irrigation
purposes. The methodological approach adopted involves
conducting a survey among farmers and their
organizations. The results reveal that the low exploitation
of this resource is attributed to several factors, including
the high cost of drilling wells and the lack of awareness
regarding the availability and accessibility of the alluvial
aquifer. The reliability of these results is limited by the
low level of participation from some farmers in the data
collection process, which was influenced by negative past
Keywords :
Burkina Faso, Karfiguela Alluvial Plain, Groundwater, Irrigation.
References :
- NATIONAL ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (PNDES, 2015), for the 2016-2020 period, national policy document, 97p;
- CNID‐B, (2009), Participatory diagnosis of the Karfiguela irrigation perimeter, diagnostic report and action plans, Ouagadougou, 60p;
- WAIPRO (USAID, June 2013), Water Management in the Upper Comoé Basin (Burkina Faso), Study report, Ouagadougou, 40p;
- TRAORE R., 2012, Water, territory, and conflicts: analysis of community water management issues in Burkina Faso: the case of the Nakambé watershed, doctoral thesis report, University of Toulouse 2, France, 378p;
- ZOUNDI M., 2013. Mapping of groundwater accessibility in the Karfiguela and Kou alluvial plains for irrigated agriculture. Master of Science thesis, geological and mining analysis option, CU-SIGETA, Ouagadougou, 106p;
- SIMBORO A. (2016), Quantitative and qualitative water resource management in the Karfiguela alluvial plain using GIS: Study of induced recharge of the aquifer and its vulnerability to pollution, Master's thesis report, 2iE, Ouagadougou, 75p;
- PADI, (2016), Exploitation rate and sustainability of water resources in the Kou and Karfiguela alluvial aquifers, results capitalization and sharing workshop, Ouagadougou, 40p;
- COMPAORE N. F. (2012), Summary document on the collection of groundwater data in alluvial plains and surface aquifers in the basement zone, Ouagadougou, 33p;
- DAO D. M (2015), Exploitation rate and sustainability of water resources in the Kou
The alluvial plain of Karfiguela, located in the
western part of Burkina Faso, has significant surface and
groundwater potential. However, its surface water
resources are under pressure due to the combined effect of
agricultural areas and the increasing number of farmers,
driven by population growth. Studies have shown that the
plain contains a very important and accessible aquifer
that, however, remains underutilized. In this context,
understanding the determinants of the use of alluvial
aquifer waters. The objective of the study is to analyse the
factors that determine the exploitation of groundwater to
address the shortage of surface water for irrigation
purposes. The methodological approach adopted involves
conducting a survey among farmers and their
organizations. The results reveal that the low exploitation
of this resource is attributed to several factors, including
the high cost of drilling wells and the lack of awareness
regarding the availability and accessibility of the alluvial
aquifer. The reliability of these results is limited by the
low level of participation from some farmers in the data
collection process, which was influenced by negative past
Keywords :
Burkina Faso, Karfiguela Alluvial Plain, Groundwater, Irrigation.