Authors :
Gunawan Wiyogo Siswantoro; Dr. Bambang Santoso Marsoem
Volume/Issue :
Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
In the early era of the pandemic, conditions for
MSME financing in non-bank financial institutions
experienced a decline due to the many economic impacts
that occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many
MSMEs are experiencing difficulties in terms of liquidity
and business capital needs, so that demand for credit
from financial institutions that do not meet banks has
decreased drastically. Apart from that, non-bank
financial institutions also experience difficulties in
providing financing due to increasingly high credit risks.
The phenomena and dynamics faced by MSMEs during
the Covid-19 pandemic are the background for this
research. This research uses quantitative descriptive
research. Based on the research results, it was found that
the number of debtors and loan size had no effect on the
NPF. There is a positive influence of BOPO, ROE on
NPF. Furthermore, the KAP audit does not strengthen
the influence of loan size on NPF. Meanwhile, KAP Audit
strengthens the influence of BOPO, ROE, and Number of
Debtors. The R square value shows 0.925, which means
the influence of the independent variables together on the
dependent is 92.50%.
Keywords :
Number of Debtors; Loan Amount; NPF; BOPO; ROE; KAP Audit.
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In the early era of the pandemic, conditions for
MSME financing in non-bank financial institutions
experienced a decline due to the many economic impacts
that occurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many
MSMEs are experiencing difficulties in terms of liquidity
and business capital needs, so that demand for credit
from financial institutions that do not meet banks has
decreased drastically. Apart from that, non-bank
financial institutions also experience difficulties in
providing financing due to increasingly high credit risks.
The phenomena and dynamics faced by MSMEs during
the Covid-19 pandemic are the background for this
research. This research uses quantitative descriptive
research. Based on the research results, it was found that
the number of debtors and loan size had no effect on the
NPF. There is a positive influence of BOPO, ROE on
NPF. Furthermore, the KAP audit does not strengthen
the influence of loan size on NPF. Meanwhile, KAP Audit
strengthens the influence of BOPO, ROE, and Number of
Debtors. The R square value shows 0.925, which means
the influence of the independent variables together on the
dependent is 92.50%.
Keywords :
Number of Debtors; Loan Amount; NPF; BOPO; ROE; KAP Audit.