Design Study of a Lifting Mechanism Works on Gear Under Manual Operation

Authors : Mohammed Fazil M H; Ronald A D; Robert Kurian; Vishnu E S; S Krishnanunni

Volume/Issue : Volume 5 - 2020, Issue 7 - July

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DOI : 10.38124/IJISRT20JUL627

Abstract : lately it is quite common in industries as well as households the use of different kind of ladders so as to provide required elevation from the ground surface and for this they might depend on various power source available. The journal presents equipment that requires no source of power, batteries or electricity input for their functioning. It simply works on gear mechanism under manual operation. They provide an effective alternative for step ladders and buildup scaffoldings. They are suitable for various ranges of applications such as cleaning, constructions and maintenance works.

Keywords : Rack and pinion, Worm gear box

lately it is quite common in industries as well as households the use of different kind of ladders so as to provide required elevation from the ground surface and for this they might depend on various power source available. The journal presents equipment that requires no source of power, batteries or electricity input for their functioning. It simply works on gear mechanism under manual operation. They provide an effective alternative for step ladders and buildup scaffoldings. They are suitable for various ranges of applications such as cleaning, constructions and maintenance works.

Keywords : Rack and pinion, Worm gear box

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