Authors :
Manjeet Singh; Sameer Shrivastava; Mayank Singh
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
Digital data security through encryption is of
utmost importance in the present digital era. So, this
paper attempts to present a multi-algorithm encryption
and decryption tool kit, consisting of Caesar Cipher,
Vigenère Cipher, and AES. In addition, it was developed
using Python's Tkinter, it offered access to all those above
encryption techniques through an interface which became
easy to use, thus proving utility in both educational and
professional capacities. It encompasses the discussion of
the design and operation of the toolkit but also various
potential future improvements-including the addition of
new algorithms such as RSA and Blowfish-and describes
how it has contributed to developing a theoretical
capability transferred to the "real world." The current
study allows the paper to outline strengths and
weaknesses of different cryptographic approaches. It
further explains how the toolkit can be used not only in
the academic sense to impart the cryptographic concepts
to students but also professionally in the interest of
securing text-based communications. In this final section
of the paper, it has suggested that addition of RSA and
Blowfish encryption algorithms can be made to this
toolkit in the future to increase functionality of this
toolkit. The toolkit will be extended to include features of
file encryption, cross-platform compatibility, and many
more interactive learning modules to ensure the
educational value and the practical utility of the toolkit
are fully extended.
Keywords :
Data Security, AES Cipher, Caesar Cipher, Vigenère Cipher, RSA Encryption, Cybersecurity in Education, Advanced Cryptography Tools.
References :
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Digital data security through encryption is of
utmost importance in the present digital era. So, this
paper attempts to present a multi-algorithm encryption
and decryption tool kit, consisting of Caesar Cipher,
Vigenère Cipher, and AES. In addition, it was developed
using Python's Tkinter, it offered access to all those above
encryption techniques through an interface which became
easy to use, thus proving utility in both educational and
professional capacities. It encompasses the discussion of
the design and operation of the toolkit but also various
potential future improvements-including the addition of
new algorithms such as RSA and Blowfish-and describes
how it has contributed to developing a theoretical
capability transferred to the "real world." The current
study allows the paper to outline strengths and
weaknesses of different cryptographic approaches. It
further explains how the toolkit can be used not only in
the academic sense to impart the cryptographic concepts
to students but also professionally in the interest of
securing text-based communications. In this final section
of the paper, it has suggested that addition of RSA and
Blowfish encryption algorithms can be made to this
toolkit in the future to increase functionality of this
toolkit. The toolkit will be extended to include features of
file encryption, cross-platform compatibility, and many
more interactive learning modules to ensure the
educational value and the practical utility of the toolkit
are fully extended.
Keywords :
Data Security, AES Cipher, Caesar Cipher, Vigenère Cipher, RSA Encryption, Cybersecurity in Education, Advanced Cryptography Tools.