Description of Knowledge, Attitude and Action of Mother on Care Diarrhea in Under-Five Children After Getting Educational Information Communication (KIE) with Integrated Media in Posyandu Merpati Working Area of Tanjung Pinang Public Health Centre Jambi City in 2019

Authors : Poornima. Dini Suryani, Meri Neherta, Lili Fajria, Rosalinda.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 4 - April

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Abstract : Background Diarrhea is one of the major diseases that became the cause of death of infants and Under-five Childrens.  Objective this study illustrates the average knowledge, attitudes and actions of mothers before and after the given educational information communication (KIE) with integrated media associated with treating diarrhea.

Keywords : Diarrhea, Knowledge, Attitudes and Actions.

Background Diarrhea is one of the major diseases that became the cause of death of infants and Under-five Childrens.  Objective this study illustrates the average knowledge, attitudes and actions of mothers before and after the given educational information communication (KIE) with integrated media associated with treating diarrhea.

Keywords : Diarrhea, Knowledge, Attitudes and Actions.

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