Authors :
God’spower Pius Agbulu , Elamaran.E
Volume/Issue :
Volume 3 - 2018, Issue 2 - February
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Abstract :
The aim this study is to analyze the different brain wave signals based on a non-invasive brain computer interface called electroencephalogram (EEG) and however use the generated output for control of a robotic car in different directions. The Brain – computer interface is a communication scheme that may well evade distinctive communication channels to provide a platform linking the devices and the human brain in real-time by converting diverse brain activity patterns into instructions. However, by this generated signal a robot can be controlled in different directions. Motivated by risingneed for disabled people, the goal of this paper is to make available and intelligent non-invasive brain computer interface solution, which acquires different brain signals without direct contacts; incisions and surgeries as involved in invasive and partially invasive BCIs, resulting in scar tissues as well as weaker signal generation. Meditation, attention and blink signals aremade for which the generated outputs are used for control of the robotic car in different directions. The generated results can on the other hand be used for control of other devices such as robotic-arm, wheel chairs and cursors on the computer screen.
Keywords :
BCI, Invasive, Non-invasive, Partially- invasive, EEG.
The aim this study is to analyze the different brain wave signals based on a non-invasive brain computer interface called electroencephalogram (EEG) and however use the generated output for control of a robotic car in different directions. The Brain – computer interface is a communication scheme that may well evade distinctive communication channels to provide a platform linking the devices and the human brain in real-time by converting diverse brain activity patterns into instructions. However, by this generated signal a robot can be controlled in different directions. Motivated by risingneed for disabled people, the goal of this paper is to make available and intelligent non-invasive brain computer interface solution, which acquires different brain signals without direct contacts; incisions and surgeries as involved in invasive and partially invasive BCIs, resulting in scar tissues as well as weaker signal generation. Meditation, attention and blink signals aremade for which the generated outputs are used for control of the robotic car in different directions. The generated results can on the other hand be used for control of other devices such as robotic-arm, wheel chairs and cursors on the computer screen.
Keywords :
BCI, Invasive, Non-invasive, Partially- invasive, EEG.