Denta Go Model: An Effective Approach to Improving Tooth Brushing Skills and Dental Hygiene Status of Preschool Children

Authors : Kholifah Nur Ijazati; Supriyana; Endah Aryati Eko Ningtyas

Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July

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Abstract : Background: According to Riskesdas, 63.7% of children aged 5 years have a dental caries experience number (def-t) ≥6 which is included in the category of severe early childhood caries. One of the factors that influence this is the low behavior in maintaining and maintaining oral hygiene. Therefore, through the innovation of the “Denta Go” Model, it is hoped that it can improve the tooth brushing skills and dental hygiene status of preschool children. Research Objective: To produce a “Denta Go” Model that is effective and feasible to implement in an effort to improve tooth brushing skills and dental hygiene status of preschool children. Methods: Research and Development (R&D) method with 5 stages, namely identification of needs, design, expert validation, feasibility test 1, and feasibility test 2. This study used a pre-experiment design with a one group pre-post test design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling which was given an intervention for 21 days with 3 stages, namely introduction, repetition, and practice. Results: The validity results of the “Denta Go” Model show that the model is feasible as a dental health education model (p 0.000). The “Denta Go” model is effective in improving tooth brushing skills (p 0.000) with a mean pretest score of 59.06 and posttest 94.64. The “Denta Go” model is effective in improving dental hygiene status (p 0.000) with a mean pretest score of 2.64 and posttest of 1.16. Feasibility test 2 showed that the model is feasible to be used independently by kindergarten teachers (p 0.000). Conclusion: The “Denta Go” model is effective and feasible to use as an effort to improve tooth brushing skills and dental health status of preschool children.

Keywords : Education Model, Denta Go, Preschool, Tooth Brushing Skills, Dental Hygiene.

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Background: According to Riskesdas, 63.7% of children aged 5 years have a dental caries experience number (def-t) ≥6 which is included in the category of severe early childhood caries. One of the factors that influence this is the low behavior in maintaining and maintaining oral hygiene. Therefore, through the innovation of the “Denta Go” Model, it is hoped that it can improve the tooth brushing skills and dental hygiene status of preschool children. Research Objective: To produce a “Denta Go” Model that is effective and feasible to implement in an effort to improve tooth brushing skills and dental hygiene status of preschool children. Methods: Research and Development (R&D) method with 5 stages, namely identification of needs, design, expert validation, feasibility test 1, and feasibility test 2. This study used a pre-experiment design with a one group pre-post test design. The sampling technique was purposive sampling which was given an intervention for 21 days with 3 stages, namely introduction, repetition, and practice. Results: The validity results of the “Denta Go” Model show that the model is feasible as a dental health education model (p 0.000). The “Denta Go” model is effective in improving tooth brushing skills (p 0.000) with a mean pretest score of 59.06 and posttest 94.64. The “Denta Go” model is effective in improving dental hygiene status (p 0.000) with a mean pretest score of 2.64 and posttest of 1.16. Feasibility test 2 showed that the model is feasible to be used independently by kindergarten teachers (p 0.000). Conclusion: The “Denta Go” model is effective and feasible to use as an effort to improve tooth brushing skills and dental health status of preschool children.

Keywords : Education Model, Denta Go, Preschool, Tooth Brushing Skills, Dental Hygiene.

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