Demystifying Edge AI: Unlocking the Potential of Artificial Intelligence at the Edge of the Network
Authors : Ashrafur Rahman Nabil; Reaz Uddin Rayhan; MD Nazim Akther; MD Tusher
Volume/Issue : Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract : One of the most exciting but almost invisible technologies underpinning a world of autonomous devices is edge AI that is designed to process data locally thus eliminating centralized cloud computing. This change of paradigm improves the efficiency, the privacy and does not need to suit onto the cloud, what make a notable diminution of the cost of clouds. Edge AI is designed to place AI capabilities as close to the source of data as possible and will lead to widespread efficiency and innovation across multiple industries. In the IoT scenario, it enables smart device communications and shortens the decision-making process. In delivering healthcare services, Edge AI enables rapid diagnosing of a patient’s conditions and provides action on the same since time is critical in these practices. Likewise in the financial business, it helps identify fraud and evaluate risks with a small amount of latency. This article defines Edge AI, brings out its innovative use cases, and analyses the advantages it provides, including low latency, optimizing performance, and scalability. Edge AI is promising to provide industries with more fulfilling operations that revolutionize secure, real-time and economical intelligent solutions that define the future platforms for intelligent systems.
Keywords : Edge AI, Artificial Intelligence, Real-time Processing, Latency Reduction, IoT (Internet of Things).
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Keywords : Edge AI, Artificial Intelligence, Real-time Processing, Latency Reduction, IoT (Internet of Things).