Authors :
Chaitanya Yeole; Hricha Singh; Hemal Waykole; Anagha Deshpande
Volume/Issue :
Volume 6 - 2021, Issue 6 - June
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Abstract :
- In this paper we explained, tried, and tested
methods of Human Action recognition for the application
of video surveillance. This paper provides a method for
automatically recognizing human activities included in
video sequences captured by a single large view camera
in outdoor locations. The elaboration of the dataset which
are videos are taken with the resolution of 720x480,
precisely explained. The methods we implement are
CNN-VGG16 model and the Single-frame CNN model.
We demonstrated our techniques using real-world video
data to automatically distinguish normal behaviors from
suspicious ones in a playground setting, films of
continuous performances of six different types of humanhuman interactions: handshakes, pointing, hugging,
pushing, kicking, and punching. As per the observation,
we concluded that the Single frame CNN model shows
much better results as compared to CNN VGG16. The
implementation was done in python. This paper consist of
how theconvolution neural networks' simpleclassification
method proved to be efficient for the prediction of the
activity by using a single frame method. The working of
this method is briefly mentions in the methodology. The
difference and the drawback of these methods forhuman
activity recognition can be clearly seen inthe output and
results of the respective.
Keywords :
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Models AreCreated to Perceive the Movement of Human from the Provided Dataset
- In this paper we explained, tried, and tested
methods of Human Action recognition for the application
of video surveillance. This paper provides a method for
automatically recognizing human activities included in
video sequences captured by a single large view camera
in outdoor locations. The elaboration of the dataset which
are videos are taken with the resolution of 720x480,
precisely explained. The methods we implement are
CNN-VGG16 model and the Single-frame CNN model.
We demonstrated our techniques using real-world video
data to automatically distinguish normal behaviors from
suspicious ones in a playground setting, films of
continuous performances of six different types of humanhuman interactions: handshakes, pointing, hugging,
pushing, kicking, and punching. As per the observation,
we concluded that the Single frame CNN model shows
much better results as compared to CNN VGG16. The
implementation was done in python. This paper consist of
how theconvolution neural networks' simpleclassification
method proved to be efficient for the prediction of the
activity by using a single frame method. The working of
this method is briefly mentions in the methodology. The
difference and the drawback of these methods forhuman
activity recognition can be clearly seen inthe output and
results of the respective.
Keywords :
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Models AreCreated to Perceive the Movement of Human from the Provided Dataset