Customized BOT for Educational Institution

Authors : SujataC. Papade

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 1 - January

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Abstract : As the world is suffering from covid-19 due to which the pandemic has stopped day to day activities of students such as college admission inquiries, academic details, placement cell details, etc. by considering this problem, ”Customized bot for educational Institution”, is to be developed. The main objective of the system is to provide a facility for communicating with the end-user and the information which the user wants to access. The Methodology that can be used to develop the system is Amazon Lex is a service for designing chatty interfaces, [1]An Amazon web services Lambda named function used to compute service that makes it easy for building an application, and the Amazon’s Dynamo-DB is a document database, Amazon CloudWatch is monitoring observability service, Amazon’s S3 is the object storage service that offersdata availability,scalability, security and performance and, Amazon IAM through which it will be able to use secure AWS resources. The system will answer user queries smartly. It is to be implemented to feel exactly like person-to-person communication. Information will fetch quickly without thinking about keywords and queries.

As the world is suffering from covid-19 due to which the pandemic has stopped day to day activities of students such as college admission inquiries, academic details, placement cell details, etc. by considering this problem, ”Customized bot for educational Institution”, is to be developed. The main objective of the system is to provide a facility for communicating with the end-user and the information which the user wants to access. The Methodology that can be used to develop the system is Amazon Lex is a service for designing chatty interfaces, [1]An Amazon web services Lambda named function used to compute service that makes it easy for building an application, and the Amazon’s Dynamo-DB is a document database, Amazon CloudWatch is monitoring observability service, Amazon’s S3 is the object storage service that offersdata availability,scalability, security and performance and, Amazon IAM through which it will be able to use secure AWS resources. The system will answer user queries smartly. It is to be implemented to feel exactly like person-to-person communication. Information will fetch quickly without thinking about keywords and queries.

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