Customer Tailoring Order Management system

Authors : Aishwarya Annadate; Vaishnavi Sawant; Ambika Belkunde; Pratiksha Khabale; M. S. Bhosale

Volume/Issue : Volume 8 - 2023, Issue 2 - February

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Abstract : The project aims to automate the manually maintained tailoring industry. After automation, this will result in better services, accurate record-keeping, secure data, quick searches, and a paperless atmosphere. The project's primary focus has been on managing information for customers and decision-making. In order to provide security and authentication, each user of the system must log in using a username and password. The consumer can place an order and check the status of their dresses, and even provide feedback, after login. The system administrator has access to change records and handles customer data.

Keywords : Tailoring Management System, Cloth Stitching, Tailor, Garments.

The project aims to automate the manually maintained tailoring industry. After automation, this will result in better services, accurate record-keeping, secure data, quick searches, and a paperless atmosphere. The project's primary focus has been on managing information for customers and decision-making. In order to provide security and authentication, each user of the system must log in using a username and password. The consumer can place an order and check the status of their dresses, and even provide feedback, after login. The system administrator has access to change records and handles customer data.

Keywords : Tailoring Management System, Cloth Stitching, Tailor, Garments.

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