Cube Difference Labeling of Theta Graphs

Authors : Jagadeeswari. P., Manimekalai K., Ramanathan. K.

Volume/Issue : Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May

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Abstract : In this work, we prove that the theta graph (Tα), Duplication of any vertex of degree 3 in Tα, path union of r copies of Tα, one point union of r(Tα), the fusion of any two vertices of Tα, switching of a central vertex in Tα are Cube difference labeling.

Keywords : Cube Difference Labeling (CDL), Fusion, Duplication, Switching, Path Union, One Point Union. AMS Subject Classification: 0578.

In this work, we prove that the theta graph (Tα), Duplication of any vertex of degree 3 in Tα, path union of r copies of Tα, one point union of r(Tα), the fusion of any two vertices of Tα, switching of a central vertex in Tα are Cube difference labeling.

Keywords : Cube Difference Labeling (CDL), Fusion, Duplication, Switching, Path Union, One Point Union. AMS Subject Classification: 0578.

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