Authors :
B. Siri Sumedha Thero; K.S.H.M.V.W.W. Senevirathne
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 7 - July
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Abstract :
This quantitative study explores the
correlation between psychological and contextual
characteristics and student achievement in chemistry
within senior secondary schools in Sri Lanka. The
research addresses the persistent low performance in
chemistry, a critical subject within the science
curriculum, by examining various influencing factors.
The study utilized a cluster random sampling method,
selecting 302 students and 114 teachers from the Kegalle
Education Zone. A pilot test was conducted to refine the
instruments, followed by confirmatory factor analysis
and exploratory data analysis to ensure reliability and
validity. The psychological factors investigated include
teachers' teaching styles, students' perceptions of
chemistry, subject satisfaction, and attitudes toward
chemistry. Contextual factors encompass school type and
gender. Data collection involved standardized
instruments and a structured chemistry examination,
with analysis performed using SPSS and Amos software.
The findings reveal significant positive correlations
between students' perceptions, satisfaction, attitudes
towards chemistry, and their academic achievement.
Additionally, the study highlights differences in
achievement based on school type and gender,
emphasizing the importance of tailored educational
strategies. The results underscore the necessity for
targeted interventions and policy reforms to enhance
chemistry education in Sri Lanka. These insights aim to
inform educators and policymakers, fostering improved
educational outcomes in the region.
Keywords :
Student Achievement, Chemistry Education, Psychological Factors, Contextual Characteristics, Sri Lankan Secondary Schools
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This quantitative study explores the
correlation between psychological and contextual
characteristics and student achievement in chemistry
within senior secondary schools in Sri Lanka. The
research addresses the persistent low performance in
chemistry, a critical subject within the science
curriculum, by examining various influencing factors.
The study utilized a cluster random sampling method,
selecting 302 students and 114 teachers from the Kegalle
Education Zone. A pilot test was conducted to refine the
instruments, followed by confirmatory factor analysis
and exploratory data analysis to ensure reliability and
validity. The psychological factors investigated include
teachers' teaching styles, students' perceptions of
chemistry, subject satisfaction, and attitudes toward
chemistry. Contextual factors encompass school type and
gender. Data collection involved standardized
instruments and a structured chemistry examination,
with analysis performed using SPSS and Amos software.
The findings reveal significant positive correlations
between students' perceptions, satisfaction, attitudes
towards chemistry, and their academic achievement.
Additionally, the study highlights differences in
achievement based on school type and gender,
emphasizing the importance of tailored educational
strategies. The results underscore the necessity for
targeted interventions and policy reforms to enhance
chemistry education in Sri Lanka. These insights aim to
inform educators and policymakers, fostering improved
educational outcomes in the region.
Keywords :
Student Achievement, Chemistry Education, Psychological Factors, Contextual Characteristics, Sri Lankan Secondary Schools