Authors :
Jacques Nakamwambila Kiadiamuyika; Albert Kabasele Yenga Yenga; Francois T.R. Lubala; Francois Tondozi Keto; Eli-Achille Manwana Mfumukani; Evariste Kazadi Kasampu; Claver M. Kanzundu
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 12 - December
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Abstract :
This study concerns the quality control of
radiometric data measured in the Luiswishi-Likuni
mining site. Before undertaking an assessment of the
radiometric contamination of a site with the aim of
providing decision support tools for its rehabilitation, it is
necessary to ensure the quality of the data acquired. Thus,
based on solid and reliable foundations, uncertainties
during the different stages of the decision-making process
will be better controlled and the final quality of the
project improved. To do this, an acquisition of
radiometric data using a Geiger counter allowed us to
carry out 13 radiometric profiles with the aim of mapping
the intensity of radioactive radiation in this area. Data
processing consisted of carrying out a geostatistical
analysis (estimation error, histogram, data dispersion,
etc.) and improving the signal/noise ratio by frequency
analysis ‘Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)’ of the signal.
Kriging made it possible to calculate and categorize the
estimation error into 3 precision zones: High, Medium
and low depending on the spatial distribution of the
measurements. The histogram and the QQ-plot diagram
of the data confirm that they obey the normal law because
we observe values aligned along the line with minimal
dispersion at both ends of the line. The FFT low-pass
filter, with a window of 3 and a cutoff frequency of 0.166
Hz, produced a smoothing well suited to the radiometric
data which appeared noisy due to the fact that they were
acquired near the city of Lubumbashi. This significantly
increased the signal-to-noise ratio, making the data usable
for any future modeling.
Keywords :
Radiometric Data, Quality Control, Geostatistics, Frequency Filtering.
References :
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This study concerns the quality control of
radiometric data measured in the Luiswishi-Likuni
mining site. Before undertaking an assessment of the
radiometric contamination of a site with the aim of
providing decision support tools for its rehabilitation, it is
necessary to ensure the quality of the data acquired. Thus,
based on solid and reliable foundations, uncertainties
during the different stages of the decision-making process
will be better controlled and the final quality of the
project improved. To do this, an acquisition of
radiometric data using a Geiger counter allowed us to
carry out 13 radiometric profiles with the aim of mapping
the intensity of radioactive radiation in this area. Data
processing consisted of carrying out a geostatistical
analysis (estimation error, histogram, data dispersion,
etc.) and improving the signal/noise ratio by frequency
analysis ‘Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)’ of the signal.
Kriging made it possible to calculate and categorize the
estimation error into 3 precision zones: High, Medium
and low depending on the spatial distribution of the
measurements. The histogram and the QQ-plot diagram
of the data confirm that they obey the normal law because
we observe values aligned along the line with minimal
dispersion at both ends of the line. The FFT low-pass
filter, with a window of 3 and a cutoff frequency of 0.166
Hz, produced a smoothing well suited to the radiometric
data which appeared noisy due to the fact that they were
acquired near the city of Lubumbashi. This significantly
increased the signal-to-noise ratio, making the data usable
for any future modeling.
Keywords :
Radiometric Data, Quality Control, Geostatistics, Frequency Filtering.