Authors :
Dr. Deepak Raj Paudel; Dr. Dipak Kumar Gupta; Dr. Ram Hari Chapagain; Dr. Anil Kumar Shrestha
Volume/Issue :
Volume 9 - 2024, Issue 8 - August
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Abstract :
Pneumonia is the significant cause of morbidity and
mortality in under five year children worldwide. In Nepal,
pneumonia is the second most common cause of childhood
mortality. Exclusive breastfeeding and basic
immunization in preventing pneumonia cannot be
underestimated. This study aims to assess the
contributing risk factors associated with childhood
pneumonia among children aged 16 months to under-5
A case-control study was conducted from January to
July 2022 including children under 5 years visiting the
pediatric out-patient department of JMCTH. A total of
200 subjects aged 16–59 months were enrolled, in which
‘cases’ included 100 patients diagnosed with pneumonia
and ‘controls’ included 100 patients with non-pneumonia
illnesses, matched by age and setting. The WHO guideline
was followed for the diagnosis of pneumonia. The data on
contributing risk factors were collected from both cases
and controls via interview method from their parents.
The study showed non-exclusive breastfeeding [odds
ratio (OR) =7.82 in 95% confidence interval (CI)], indoor
air pollution [OR=7.47 in 95% CI], incomplete basic
immunization [OR= 4.44 in 95% CI], low birth weight
[OR=3.11 in 95% CI] and severe acute malnutrition i.e.
high degree of wasting [OR=2.70 in 95% CI] were the
major contributing factors of pneumonia in children
under age five in the Madhesh Province of Nepal.
However, nutritional status (height-for-age z score), age,
sex, and educational status of mother did not appear to be
contributing risk factors for pneumonia.
This study highlights non-exclusive breastfeeding,
indoor air pollution, incomplete basic immunizations, low
birth weight, and severe acute malnutrition significantly
increase the risk of childhood pneumonia. Exclusive
breastfeeding plays a vital role, while gender seems to
influence the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding
and pneumonia incidence.
Keywords :
Breastfeeding; Immunization; Nutritional Status; Pneumonia.
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Pneumonia is the significant cause of morbidity and
mortality in under five year children worldwide. In Nepal,
pneumonia is the second most common cause of childhood
mortality. Exclusive breastfeeding and basic
immunization in preventing pneumonia cannot be
underestimated. This study aims to assess the
contributing risk factors associated with childhood
pneumonia among children aged 16 months to under-5
A case-control study was conducted from January to
July 2022 including children under 5 years visiting the
pediatric out-patient department of JMCTH. A total of
200 subjects aged 16–59 months were enrolled, in which
‘cases’ included 100 patients diagnosed with pneumonia
and ‘controls’ included 100 patients with non-pneumonia
illnesses, matched by age and setting. The WHO guideline
was followed for the diagnosis of pneumonia. The data on
contributing risk factors were collected from both cases
and controls via interview method from their parents.
The study showed non-exclusive breastfeeding [odds
ratio (OR) =7.82 in 95% confidence interval (CI)], indoor
air pollution [OR=7.47 in 95% CI], incomplete basic
immunization [OR= 4.44 in 95% CI], low birth weight
[OR=3.11 in 95% CI] and severe acute malnutrition i.e.
high degree of wasting [OR=2.70 in 95% CI] were the
major contributing factors of pneumonia in children
under age five in the Madhesh Province of Nepal.
However, nutritional status (height-for-age z score), age,
sex, and educational status of mother did not appear to be
contributing risk factors for pneumonia.
This study highlights non-exclusive breastfeeding,
indoor air pollution, incomplete basic immunizations, low
birth weight, and severe acute malnutrition significantly
increase the risk of childhood pneumonia. Exclusive
breastfeeding plays a vital role, while gender seems to
influence the relationship between exclusive breastfeeding
and pneumonia incidence.
Keywords :
Breastfeeding; Immunization; Nutritional Status; Pneumonia.