Authors :
Ramesh, U.N.Dhandargi, Santoshsajjan, Sureshgoudapatil.
Volume/Issue :
Volume 4 - 2019, Issue 5 - May
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Abstract :
Physical fitness in children is risen up to a public health issue and concern, due to scientific findings reveal the onset of modern civilization diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, which begins in early childhood due to sedentary life styles, lack of physical activity etc. Physical fitness awareness needs to be emphasized among young children and adulthood, through regular health assessment such as anthropometric measures, calculation of BMI etc. Norms are averages of physical fitness variables scores of large population of boys aged between 13-15 years. The 7 variables such as explosive strength, arm strength, abdominal strength, speed, agility, cardiorespiratory endurance & Flexibility were assessed by using standard norms.
Physical fitness in children is risen up to a public health issue and concern, due to scientific findings reveal the onset of modern civilization diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, which begins in early childhood due to sedentary life styles, lack of physical activity etc. Physical fitness awareness needs to be emphasized among young children and adulthood, through regular health assessment such as anthropometric measures, calculation of BMI etc. Norms are averages of physical fitness variables scores of large population of boys aged between 13-15 years. The 7 variables such as explosive strength, arm strength, abdominal strength, speed, agility, cardiorespiratory endurance & Flexibility were assessed by using standard norms.